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Bush&congress must be Impeached and replaced

Impeach bush II


Other Serious threats to our rights

reporter subpoenaed for exposing bush CIA crimes, nyt, 2-1-08

Harmon's "Homegrown Terror" resolution is an extreme threat to our rights, 4-19-07


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Behind Me, Carson Range


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first posted: sunday, July 6, 2008: latest update: 11:59 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

American Political Corruption: Creating Poverty here, and around the world

Importing poverty for greater Profits

Alarm grows on kids' dental health, bee, 7-6-08

Immigrant sanctuary laws seen as practical, sfchron, 6-6-08

background; essay: Unholy alliance: crimigrants, traitor politicians, abusive corporations. links: politicians live like kings while we slave at mexican wages.

background: Essay: We've been Robbed. Essay: CORPORATE-DEMOCRAT IMMIGRATION POLICY SUCCESSFUL: Poverty. essay:Immigrant licenses off table? Why? Let's fight Global Warming with Autos for Every Crimigrant. fact: Mexicans Out-Wages Up. essay: poverty Hidden Behind Cooked Stats. the dem scam, with links: crimigrants.


first posted: friday, July 4, 2008: latest update: 2:03 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

The Fourth of July

Greetings, on this Sad Fourth of July.

My name is Alex Wierbinski, and I run this small radical political website dedicated to restoring our democracy. Our Constitutional democracy has been hijacked, and the principals of our Declaration of Independence are no longer operative. If this makes you mad and proud at the same time, like it makes me feel, maybe we both see that this holiday represents the principals we have lost, rather than principals and practices of our present government.

This Fourth is a sad day, a day of mourning because our country has lost the most fundamental elements of the Revolutionary Spirit that energized the Declaration of Independence. This revolutionary spirit is sadly lacking from the body of our people today.

Today is a sad day because our government is no longer holding itself to the rules of the Constitution. None of the principals of our Declaration or our Constitution are guiding or regulating our government on this Fourth of July. We are conducting a criminal war and occupation. We are kidnapping, secretly imprisoning and torturing people against domestic and international law. Congress and the President have suspended habius corpus and the Fourth Amendment. Our politicians and parties are controlled by bribery, rather than their local citizens.

As far as I can tell the remaining thin elements of our revolutionary spirit are thinly spread across citizens on both the right and left of the political spectrum.

On the left, the progressives, the unions, and the crimigrants who back the dems have been sold out to the true master of the dems: their corporate bribers.
On the right, the political and social conservatives, as well as the evangelicals, have been sold out by the true master of the republicans: their corporate bribers.

The souls of both parties have been captured by a corporate money power that has used the ideals of both sides as a shield to hide their true goal: naked wealth and power. Both parties try to hide their crimes and corruption behind their respective "conservative" and "liberal" credentials. Both parties have betrayed their constituents, and our democratic republic.

Patriots on both sides of the political spectrum are suffering equally under our corrupted political process. Independent of anyone's political polarity, the political process and the political parties have been captured and corrupted by the power of concentrated wealth. The result is that everyone's ability to enjoy their Constitutionally Protected personal rights and beliefs are now dependent on who wins an election. Our rights are now subject to a political auction.

I strongly disagree: We have inalienable rights that transcend elections, administrations and majorities.

As far as I am concerned, the Revolution, the Declaration, and the Constitution established fundamental individual rights, limitations on governmental power, and a democratic process to enforce these individual rights and maintain these limitations on power. Regardless of what position each of us takes on the left, right, or center, we have all lost our fundamental individual rights, our limited government, and our democratic process.

I hope that we are going in the same direction, towards mutually granted freedom for each of us, despite our differences.
I hope you will find the selection and analysis of news reports tracking our corrupted polity on this site interesting. Thanks for visiting, and don't hesitate to drop me a note.

Alex Wierbinski


first posted: thursday, July 3, 2008: latest update: 11:59 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

American Political Corruption News

SF's Crimigrant "Sanctuary:" Gavin Newsom Hiding Crimigrant Crack Dealers from Prosecution and Deportation

"Sanctuary" is an insult to our political right as americans to decide who can and cannot cross our borders. "Sanctuary" defines Democrats as Traitors to our Constitutional Right to even have a country, let alone a democracy.

Newsom faces backlash after illegal immigrants' escape in San Bernardino County, lat, july 3, '08

Feds probe S.F.'s migrant-offender shield, sf chron, June 29, 2008

Escaped Honduran juvenile crack dealer turns up in San Francisco, sf chron, July 3, 2008

S.F. mayor shifts policy on illegal offenders, sf chron, July 3, 2008


Other Crimigrant News

2 Supervisors Are Arrested After Sweep at Meat Plant, nyt, 7-4-08

background: Essay: We've been Robbed. Essay: CORPORATE-DEMOCRAT IMMIGRATION POLICY SUCCESSFUL: Poverty. essay:Immigrant licenses off table? Why? Let's fight Global Warming with Autos for Every Crimigrant. essay: poverty Hidden Behind Cooked Stats. the dem scam, with links: crimigrants.


Want to buy some crack? Need some state subsidized day Labor? Want to hide an illegal? I suggest you put in your order at Gavin Newsom's office: (415) 554-6141. Fax: (415) 554-6160. Email: gavin.newsom@sfgov.org


Join the latest Dem Political Bribery Machine:

Crimigrant Crack Dealers Support Gavin, Dems For Governor

Join Crimigrant labor, Crimigrant Drug Dealers, Mexican Street Gangs, Gordon Getty, and our biggest Criminal Corporations to put a Dem back into the Governor's Mansion!

Unholy alliance: crimigrants, traitor politicians, abusive corporations: Are the occupation of Iraq and LA the same thing? may 1, 2008

background; essay: Unholy alliance: crimigrants, traitor politicians, abusive corporations. essay: politicians live like kings while we slave at mexican wages. essay: We've been robbed! links: we've been robbed! Links: Crimigrants.

Just for balance: Arnie links.


Big Time Dem Players Money Laundering trial continues

Sacramento trial hears testimony on political money laundering, sf chron, 7-3-08

background; Shelly's downfall: SHELLEY QUITS, February 5, 2005.

background; wikipedia: Kevin Shelly. Links: Democrats are corporate tools.


Viacom gets access to every individual's U-Tube viewing records

Google must hand over YouTube data, judge rules, lat, 7-3-08

background: Viacom Tells Google To Remove 100,000 YouTube Videos, huf post, 2-2-07

The Solution? Boycott or Steal all Viacom properties:

* Film Production and Distribution: Viacom International, Paramount Pictures, DreamWorks, Republic Pictures, MTV Films, Nickelodeon Movies, Go Fish Pictures
* Television Networks: Comedy Central, Logo, BET, Spike, TV Land, Nick at Nite, Nickelodeon, Noggin, The N, Nick Jr., TEENick, MTV, VH1, MTV2, CMT, MHD
* Television Production and Television Distribution: DreamWorks Television
* Video Gaming: Xfire, Harmonix, GameTrailers, Neopets
* Internet Sites: Screwattack

Still Mad?

Go to alluc.org, and watch DreamWork's (Viacom) latest, Kung Fu Panda. For Free. Watch Comedy Central's (viacom) The Daily Show. For Free. The Colbert Report. For Free. South Park. For Free. Since we have no more protections against illegal searchs of our records and communications by commercial corporations or this criminal corporate government, they are both much too high if they think that their digital "property" is safe. I'm going to search their property without an economic warrant. Maybe Congress should pass an amnesty/immunity for downloading, just like they did for the criminal telecoms that are illegally spying on us.

background: links: alluc.com. peekvid.com. note: I think to engage many of these movie/show links you may have to browse through a proxy server in canada, or another nation, to work around US IP address blockages. Links: Proxy Servers.


California's New Spring, Early-Summer Weather Pattern: Fire

100 year US Forecast: increasing Fire, Flood, and Drought

CDF: Major California Wildfires, as of 1700 7-3-08, calif dept forestry (pdf)

Growing blaze near Goleta is California's top firefighting priority, lat, 7-3-08

background: analysis; Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, August 29, 2007. links: water links. article: good work morons: the seasons have changed, 8-29-07 article: stop irresponsible growth now! 6-26-07. links: all environmental destruction links.


Iran Update

Iran warms to freeze-for-freeze plan, asia times, 7-4-08

background: see below


Iraq Oil Contract Update

Big Oil's 'secret' out of Iraq's closet, meo, 7-4-08

background: see below. analysis: Failed war-Failed State, committee, 6-07


The Situation in Egypt

Egypt fighting population growth, meo, 7-2-08

background; analysis: Bush "Democracy" Requires People Vote for Bush's Side, or our Dictators will Kill you, committee, 6-07. analysis: Democracy of Fools: The Bush Vision for the Middle-East, committee, 8-19-07. links: Egypt.


first posted: wednesday, July 2, 2008: latest update: 3:11 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

American Political Corruption News

Bush/Zionist threats against Iran shoot oil market, global financial markets, in foot

Diplomats play down fears of attack on Iran, iran mania, 6-2-08

Iran sees better mood in nuclear talks, reuters, 6-2-08

Oil rises above $142 on Israeli threats against Iran, meo, 6-2-08

background: analysis; The Real Deal: The True Reasons our Corporate Empire is Waging War in the Middle-East, committee, 8-12-07. more background: See below.

Economic Chaos/Crisis

Our impending economic crisis has deeper roots than Israeli aggression and Middle Eastern Oil

Oil closes at a record, then tops $144 on Globex, marketwatch, 7-2-08

U.S. Stocks Slump as Oil Surges; Dow Average Enters Bear Market, bloomberg, 7-2-08

how we got here, how we crawl out of here

What a long, strange trip it's been...

The "Beginning," june 23, '07: Krauts taking a Beating in Morgage Securities Market: Where will it end?

august '07: Markets ready to Kill Economy

august 17, '07: Feds Bailing Out Greedy Speculators

september 5, '07: How much Mortgage Liability do the Banks Have?

november 24, '07: Housing-credit crisis exposing the rotten core of American Markets and Economy

january 14, '08: The impending meltdown

march 14, '08: Death of the new economy, get ready for the big selloff

march 29, '08: economic or ethical crisis?

april 29, '08: Market Perception and Reality are nearing parity

april 6, '08: how we got here, how we crawl out of here

Status of the Econ Crisis: How we got here, where it is Going, and what you should expect to happen, draft document, 7-13-08

more background: all economic links

A Few Thoughts on the Markets

july 2, 2008

advice to the Fed: The Fed better shore up the dollar right now. Massive inflation has almost fully emerged into the retail economy. Expect immediate retail price increases between 14% to 20% across the board for all consumer products, including food. Prices will continue to rise as increasing energy prices work themselves through raw material, manufacturing, and transportation costs. The main source of this rise in inflation is energy price inflation, which is being driven by the spiraling price of oil.

Of Oil pricing's three main components; supply and demand, speculation, and the value of the dollar, the Fed can move directly to support the dollar and quash the decling value of the dollar as a significant component contributing to the growing crisis of energy inflation. A tightening would have a secondary effect lowering energy prices by slowing economic activity. Congress could then effectively work on the second component of energy inflation, speculation, by devising regulations to limit energy futures speculation. But that is naive, the Dems would have curbed market excesses during Clinton's era, if both parties were not ruled by Big Oil and Wall Street, then and now.

In any case, energy inflation is feeding the beast of food inflation, and once energy inflation spreads across all catagories of consumption, which it is rapidly doing, it will drive consumption into the ground. The only place the fiscal policy powers of the Fed can directly address energy inflation is by significantly strengthening the dollar.

A major market downturn is underway, and the high demand, speculation, and the weak dollar which have supercharged the oil/energy markets have now merged with the american mortgage security/credit crisis to offer the markets a clearer vision of the unsustainable market conditions and valuations that sit atop our looted economy.

What does this mean to the average working dude?

Labor has little leverage to demand wage compensation, so I expect the contribution of wage inflation to the crisis will be minimal. The middle and lower classes will suffer significantly. Hell, they were sacrificed to get here, so they should expect no more than more of the same.


California Burning

100 year US Forecast: increasing Fire, Flood, and Drought

CDF: Major California Wildfires, as of 0700 7-2-08, calif dept forestry (pdf)



first posted: tuesday, July 1, 2008: latest update: 3:49 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

American Political Corruption News

Enemy of the American Empire: Iran

Iran: US Preparing the Battlefield, the new yorker, july 7, '08

recent incidents: practice for sneak attack? links: israel sneak attack? essay: Israel ready to attack Iran, committee, January 14, 2008. links: israel. Links: Iran.

counterpoint: The American Zionist Corporate Media: Will Israel Attack Iran? abc 6-1-08

The Real Deal: The True Reasons our Corporate Empire is Waging War in the Middle-East, committee, 8-12-07

essay: Iran Rising, committee, october,'07

background; articles: US special forces 'inside Iran,' BBC NEWS, 1-17-06. 11 Revolutionary Guards Die in Iran Clashes, ap, 7-11-07. Is America Backing Suicide Bombers in Iran? committee, 8-6-07. Bush "Loses" Guns, and Losing Chance to Steal Iraq's Oil, committee, 8-10-07. Report contradicts Bush on Iran nuclear program, reuters, Mon Dec 3, 2007. Bush Administration War Plans Directed Against Iran, STWR, 9-17-07. Bush accuses Iran of thought crime, global security, 12-4-07. Links: Iran.


Did the Dems just fund an Iranian attack/war?

Democrats: US House approves massive war funds bill, bbc, 6-20-08

House passes Iraq war funds bill backed by Bush, reuters, 6-20-08

essay: Why the Dems are Still Voting for Iraq War. links: Democrats are corporate tools. note: It appears that congress just gave bush the money necessary to attack iran, or respond after israel attacks iran.


Mission Accomplished: Big Oil Victorious in Iraq?

Finally, all the lies, death, and corruption has paid off for Big Oil: Baghdad invites in foreign oil companies, ft, 6-30-08

The Real Deal: The True Reasons our Corporate Empire is Waging War in the Middle-East, committee, 8-12-07

background; articles: Oil law stalls in iraq, nyt, 7-23-08. Iraq Ranks No. 2 of Failed States, reuters, 6-07. essay: failed war-failed state. Links: Iraq. note: these are service contracts, not the private ownership partnerships which are still an elusive objective of the war. These contracts are yet another bone the administration has thrown to big oil.


Enemy of the American Empire: South America

Chavez says US fleet a regional threat, ap, july 1, 08

background: article: wikipedia, fourth fleet reestablished. article: U.S. Decision to Reactivate the Fourth Fleet a Matter of Concern, el universal, 6-3-08. Links: south america.


California Burning

100 year US Forecast: increasing Fire, Flood, and Drought

CDF: Major California Wildfires, as of 0700 7-1-08, calif dept forestry (pdf)

Nat'L Guard Mobilized for Calif. Wildfires, upi, 7-1-08 (but it will take six months to get them back from iraq)

Calif. firefighters battle more than 1,400 blazes, ap, 6-30-08


first posted: wednesday, June 25, 2008: latest update: 7:50 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

featured Corruption News

California Burning

100 year US Forecast: increasing Fire, Flood, and Drought

CDF: Major California Wildfires, as of 0800 6-25-08, calif dept forestry (pdf)

Out-of-state help arrives for Calif. fire crews, ap, 6-25-08

Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, committee, 8-29-07


California's Budget and Economy a flaming mess too

Dan Walters: Could California budget gap get wider? bee, 6-25-08

background; article: State records biggest jump in unemployment, sf chron, 6-21-08 essay: Poverty Hidden Behind Cooked Stats. Links: econ links. Links: budget crisis.


Fake Environmentalists

recycling and biofuels a farce in face of massive american expansion

Biofuel use 'increasing poverty,' bbc, 6-25-08

background; links: ethanol fraud. essay: growth assures climate meltdown, committee, 6-07. essay: Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, August 29, 2007. links: all environment.


Our Criminal Paramilitary President in Colombia

"elected" the same way as all of our dictators are "elected:" violence and corruption.

Uribe's paramilitary presidency: Colombian ex-lawmaker took bribe, bbc, 6-25-08

Colombian dictator's paramilitary cousin runs from justice, world news australia, april 23, 08

Uribe's paramilitary presidency: COLOMBIA: "Mark Him on the Ballot - The One Wearing Glasses," ips 5-8-08

"Free Trade"

Bush Pushes for Corporate "Free Trade" domination of Colombia, bush "fact sheet," 3-08.

US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement, facts, research, and opposition, citizens trade campaign.

background: article: Leader Says He Intervened in an Inquiry in Colombia, NYT, October 10, 2007. article: Chiquita: UNITED FRUIT NEVER STOPPED SUPPORTING DICTATORS WHO KEEP PEASANTS WORKING, NYT, March 19, 2007 links: south america.

related: egypt. pakistan.


Our Saudi Dictatorship at Risk

Iraq Terror War, US Torture, and our global Empire provokes arab resistance

Saudi arrests 700 extremists preparing 'oil attacks,' meo, 6-25-08

Saudi "King" working asian army to serve more oil to his western masters, meo, 6-25-08

background: Essay: Bush Wars Push Saudi Arabia out of American Axis, committee, 6-07. Essay, The Saudi Shift links: saudi-iran links. links: saudi Links.


Poll: Greed and Corruption Don't Pay?

corporate america and the oil companies are laughing all the way to the bank!

Times poll: 75% blame Bush's policies for deteriorating economy, lat, 6-25-08


Democrats to FINALLY support enforcement of our BORDERS?

I doubt it.

Democrats put priority on deporting criminals, bee, 6-25-08

background: Essay: We've been Robbed. Essay: CORPORATE-DEMOCRAT IMMIGRATION POLICY SUCCESSFUL: Poverty. essay:Immigrant licenses off table? Why? Let's fight Global Warming with Autos for Every Crimigrant. essay: poverty Hidden Behind Cooked Stats. the dem scam, with links: crimigrants.


first posted: tuesday, June 24, 2008: latest update: 4:57 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

Previous home pages: June 22...June 12.

featured Corruption News

War Profiteers

Thieves, War Profiteers clean up in iraq/afghanistan

American Envoy Is Linked to Arms Deal Cover-Up, nyt 6-24-08

background; links: war fraud.


Behind the Scenes in Iraq

Future progress in Iraq may be ‘slow and uneven,’ arab news, 6-25-08

Trapped amidst the Sadrists, al-Maliki Chooses al-Hakim, dar al-hayat, 6-24-08

essay: Failed war, failed state, failed empire, committee, august 3, 2007

essay: We really have over 280,000 people supporting Occupation in Iraq, committee, 1-30-08

background; links: endless war. links: iraq war. links: what the EX-generals say.


Another NYT Apology for US Torture Crimes

Inside a 9/11 Mastermind’s Interrogation, nyt 6-22-08 (real title: inside the US torture chamber)

Meet the Apologist: Scott Shane, author of the above article, has a conversation with the great fascist apologist, Charlie Rose, Charlie Rose 6-23-08

background; links: Kidnapping/Torture. Links: Torturing the Law.


US Illegal War of Terror

runs into what's left of our Rule of Law

Court Voids Finding on Guantanamo Detainee, nyt, 6-24-08

background; links: Illegal trials. links: Kidnapping/Torture.


American Dictatorship Breaking Down in Pakistan

PML(N) deputies stage walkout in assembly, arab news, 6-25-08

analysis: Democracy threatens US influence in Pakistan, committee, 3-24-08

background; analysis: US has Moron S Asia Policy. links: all paki links.


Indian Monsoon

Failure in South India, press trust of india, 6-20-08

Floods in North India, iht, 6-16-08


Department of InJustice

Bush packed Dept of InJustice with crooked political hacks, wp, 6-24-08

analysis: Root and Branch Survey of US Attorney/Career employee Criminal Politicization, committee, 5-1-07

bush law: Fuck with Us and Die, committee, 4-10-07

background; article: white house guided career hires. essay: political hacks flooding injustice to defend criminal president. links: US Attorneys.


Orange County Corrupt at every level

corrupt heart of a corrupt country: The OC

Hacking Case Jolts Affluent California High School, nyt, 6-24-08

background; links: three articles. article: perverts too. article/links: OC voter fraud and other corruptions.


California Burning

NWS: Heavy Smoke warning in N Valley, nws, 6-24-08

NWS: Air Quality Alert for S Valley, nws, 6-24-08

California firefighters battling hundreds of fires, sf chron, 6-23-08

CDF: Major California Wildfires, as of 0800 6-23-08, calif dept forestry (pdf)

Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, committee, 8-29-07

background; links: water links. article: good work morons: the seasons have changed, 8-29-07 article: stop irresponsible growth now! 6-26-07



first posted: monday, June 23, 2008: latest update: 9:46 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

featured news

Iran: closer yet to war

EU agrees on new sanctions against Iran, xinhuanet, 6-23-08

background; recent incidents: practice for sneak attack? links: israel sneak attack? links: israel. links: Iran.


Unitary Executive pushed back

US court backs Guantanamo inmate, bbc, 6-23-08

background; essay: President has NO POWER to make rules of war or captures. essay: Signing Statements a crime. essay: Impeach bush. links: American police state. links: kidnapping/torture. links: illegal trials.


Recent Environmental News

The Poles

Arctic sea ice melt 'even faster,' bbc, 6-18-08

ANIMATED PHOTO: Ice Shelf Collapses in Antarctica, ng, 6-16-08

background: three articles: Sea Ice. three more articles: Sea Ice.


Dead Zones

2008 Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Could Be Largest Ever, environment news service, 6-18-08

background; articles: "Record Gulf of Mexico ‘Dead Zone’ Is Predicted," nyt, 7-18-07Ocean dead zones expanding, ScienceNOW Daily News, 25 January 2008 "Only 50 years left' for sea fish," bbc, 11-2-06. links: Plastic Oceans. links: Water. links: environment.




Toxic Algae Poisons Klamath River and Two Reservoirs, environment news service, 6-18-08

Border fence challenge rebuffed by Supreme Court, lat, 6-23-08

background; links: Water. links: environment.


Global Economics

Vietnam Econ Meltdown the opening shot of Another Asian Meltdown?

Vietnam's hard economic lesson for China, asia times, 6-24-08

California Political Economics:

Regressive Fees to pay to Costs of Subsidizing Cheap Labor for Business

Flurry of state fees - new or higher - pushed as budget boost, bee, 6-23-08

Special interests avoid limits, and taxes, bee, 6-22-08

background; links: Ca budget Crisis. essay: Not A Democracy. links: arnie! links: nunez


California Burning

California firefighters battling hundreds of fires, sf chron, 6-23-08

CDF: Major California Wildfires, as of 0800 6-23-08, calif dept forestry (pdf)

Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, committee, 8-29-07

background; links: water links. article: good work morons: the seasons have changed, 8-29-07 article: stop irresponsible growth now! 6-26-07


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The Banners I use above are a couple of natural horizon shots stretched by photoshop.


#1: Lost Coast Sunset.

lost coast sunset

It's Me!

The trail coming up mountain, reflected. I was going west, tracking hwy 108 from the snowgate past the marine base. The line is a snowmobile track.
Most snowmobilers are the wintertime's version of the summertime cowboy/equestrian trail culture: generally a great group of people with a few notable exceptions. Just like backpackers.
#2: December. About 12 miles south of tahoe. Packing from tahoe to the sisters and back.

South of Tahoe

I've got a few thousand shots from three tahoe to whitney trips, and a whole lot more.
I will put them up after I find a way to digitize 'em.

Gap I came through

Looking up at the PCT gap above levette lake. The previous december I glissaded down the face of this mountain with full winter pack. I emerged from the lowest gap on the crest line.