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The State of Corruption California Full pages of California news 20082007
California by subject Arnie: arnie classics 250,000 buys arnie's ear the bipartisan arnie essay: Special Interest Democracy
Budget 2009 May: Arnie miscalculates July: Imepending disaster? Already a disaster Nov: 10 bil deficit Dec: 14 bil deficit, arnie declares emergency Politicians respond: They take raises!! School Cuts: can get worse? Schools already billions short Political Failure: Corruption meltdown Budget crisis inks
False Badges for donors: 24_9 ? Migden: 107_l4 The OC: 20_7 Perata: 95_1
Prison links 107_10 34_3 Villey: 107_15
Schools: Natomas 107_11 schools need billions
Smelt: 106_3 Water: 95_8 Flood Control: 23_7
Nunez, and the term limit fraud Term Limits essay, nunez: fraud on democracy 107_6 Nunez sucks up bribes: Paid whore is an ememy to democracy Nunez: Personal ambitions drives term limit corruption NUNEZ-PERATA gather big bribes to gun up efforts to exten their monopoly over California legislatue, jan 16, 2008 Nunez links Term Limit links
Executive Branch crimes New Bush Crimes index under Construction: See and
International: War Crimes OLD LIST: All Iraq OLD LIST: Links OLD LIST: Afghan links
Iraq topics/link lists Pre-emptive war, first strike nukes oil, guns, and money: links endless war links War Fraud links War based on lies Lugar, other conservatives, condemn war
essay: The bubbling regional war to pick up speed? 1-14-08 essay updated: report on bush incompentence: chances for regional war up? 4-17-08 More illegal war links essays Status of Iraq We Lost Failed War, Failed State Truth, Troop levels, permenance, and democracy America's Empire Tottering in Middle-East
link lists oil, guns, and money: links endless war links War Fraud links Lugar, other conservatives, condemn war solider blogs Casey J Porter Speaks Out Against Stop-Loss, youtube (many iraq videos) Casey J Porter tells it like it really is in Iraq: the movie Casey J Porter: The Staging Game My name is Casey J Porter. I'm right and we all know it.
Kidnapping and Torture Links: Kidnapping/Torture Links: Torturing the Law US Code 2441: War Crimes essay: US has Trained Torturers Links: illegal trials
Domestic Crimes crimes against our rights Links: The Unconstit President Links: dems assist bush crimes Links: American police state Our Criminal Government Links: Plame Treachery Links: illegal searches Links: illegal trials Department of InJustice gonzales Pushing Ashcroft for illegal NSA Program Ashcroft: The Hospital Incident. Comey testimony before Congress, (utube video) igilius book: Ashcroft pushed out essay: Bush-Gonzales Perverting Course of “American Justice” with Crooked US Attorneys essay: White House Abuses of Power mukasey takes charge torture tape destruction Links: mukasey takes charge essay: Mukasey defends dictator powers before Senate essay: what the Constit says: the 4th and making law Links: FBI Illegal Searches
Kidnapping 34_8 94_3 Italian Kidnapping Charges against CIA
Torture History of American Torture US Torture EXPOSED bybee memo, 8-2002 article: Bush can Torture anyone he wants article: ABA Condemns Bush for Torture essay: Our Rights, not their's check 99 l5 article: Red Cross Condemns Bush Torture essay: Press hides Torture article: gonzales calls geneva conventions quaint essay: torture begins with chaining to floor, slapping and freezing, and ends with waterboarding essay: US has Trained Torturers links: Torture Tapes? really! Destruction Links white house participated in torture, 4-9-08
Illegal Searches FBI Illegal Searches, Bush Claims to illegal Powers: All Illegal Search Links Links: FBI Illegal Searches 41_5 General Search "Warrants" bush spying programs are crimes against Constitution and Law Dems Support Illegal Bush Powers Ashcroft pressured in hospital by Gonzales and Card Illegal Search Links Dems grant Bush Illegal powers Gitmo approved by Dems All Illegal Search Links
Illegal Trials
More on Plame Treachery: The Administration's Fake letter, 4-3-07 essay and timeline: Rove is a traitor: He snitched off CIA agent, 2-1-07 Essay: Libby Pardoned
Police State
Signing Statements The Constit Says
Secrecy White House Declares itself a National Secret Secrecy Links
Bush-Gonzales Perverting Course of “American Justice” with Crooked US Attorneys
Political use of US Attorney Bush-Gonzales Perverting Course of “American Justice” with Crooked US Attorneys |
Executive Branch Crimes crimes for money
Interior Dept griles 43_1
FDA FDA incompentent to defend health: ban china trade Bribery controls Food and Drug Safety
HUD Johnson out under cloud of corruption
Manipulating Science Big Oil does Bribery and Censorship: 46_2 EPA/Interior Censorship of Climate Science reconcile with this EPA 85_7 List of agencies bribed by various corporate interests
Dems Bribed to the Hilt Links: Democrats are corporate tools 14_10 22_8 44_1 "Star" 46_6 79_3 95_5 97_2 Dems still voting for war (8-02) Bribery wins elections, runs politics Jobs too 23_3
Putrid Politics Public Financing 20_2 Outside Money 35_7 Shadow Parties 42_9
Obama's a Fake Obama links Corporate Free Speech Curtain Time for Barack Obama - Part II,, 5-13-08
Clintons Billery: 76_4
Hegel Puts impeachment on table Corporate tool for Health "care" Industry
Congress Links: dems assist criminal president Lobbying Brings Death Lobbying for Poisons: 25_5 corporate bribery: health corporate bribery: dems, early list
Big Oil
Big Money Politics Contrib to win 97_5 46_6 32_2 22_7
Earmarks 28_4
Lobbyists Buy Law Health: 98_2 Everything else: 96_5 Corporate bribery: 46_6 20_1 16_4 Abramoff 29_2 Dolittle 88_5 Duke 31_9 Duke/Wilkes 30_5 17_8 Ney 32_5 Ney Links 110_9 Rove 20_9
Congress Gives up our Liberties "Ethics" Committee 26_2
Judges sell it too 25_1 19_9 us courts unjust U.N. panel calls for U.S. death penalty moratorium, reuters, 3-7-08
Corporate Free Speech
media 22_4
Irresponsible Growth and Profits: Meet The Crimigrants 45_8 85_8: A car for every crimigrant Idiot Visa Plan california services, democracy collapses in flood of crimigrants govt subsidizes crimigrants: corporate proftis rise while schools, hospitals, democracy collapses Public subsidizes edu and social cost of Crimigrants we've been robbed, 3-16-08 The Mission: Welcome to MEXICO, "white" people not welcome, sfchron, 7-9-07 California schools, hospitals, all services, and our democracy collapsed in a flood of crimigrants, alex, 6-07 Arnie Notices Foreign Gangs run California Streets, but he cares not as long as his corporate gang runs politics, alex, 3-6-07 Let's count All the Costs of Crimigration, and expose the crimes of our "democratic" government, alex, 6-07 Americans: IT'S TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH
immigration brings the corporate fascist state to life, committee, 3-6-07
the link list is 102_l9
International US global support for Dictators, Death Squads, and Police State Powers All links: african leaders: The Last Five Years
China Links 3 police state/domestic politics
New Israel link list
bhutto Death: links paki links: short list
Africa criminal us sponsorship of somalia sparks chaos in kenya, somalia International Corporate Bribery threatens ANC in SA American Sponsored Invasion of Somalia sparks chaos, 8-6-07 Kenya Links
China Trade Essays On Our Dime China trade: damages american interests, security, and welfare Why We Trade with the Chinese Police State
china links: Deadly Trade china links: econ links china links: enviro links china Links: Police State china Links: Military Power domestic security-military Links
Inside China essays/articles China requires Balance of new and old Elites Big Bucks in China Fascism US gives China Police State Tech china constitution: why we like these guys: china commies and american capitalists all agree on fascism Murdoch in China China Links: Police State
Global China essays/articles On Our Dime China and Taiwan Two Paths: corporate or commie fascism china and taiwan: search for identity, quest for power unholy alliance Murdoch in China
China Links: Military Power domestic security-military Links
Egypt Fixed Elections and Radicalization of Arab Leaders Page of Egypt articles, essays, links: Democracy of Fools: The Bush vision for the Middle-East
Hamas 83_10
Israel Ethnic Cleansing, British Boycott jim crow apartheid The middle east situation: failure of democracy, failure of empire. 110_c#5 Saudi Shift: 110_c6 bush democracy in middle-east and occupied israel: 116_c2 Negotiating for Peace: 110_4 collective punishment links: hostil entity war crime
40 more years of oil, just like the last 40... Bush program reveals illegitimacy of govt Iran/Terror pretext for Bush to seize power? Attack Iran? clouds of war spreading across middle east 116_c3 Bush "Diplomacy" America's Empire Tottering in Middle-East, 10-07 The bubbling regional war to pick up speed? 1-14-08 Middle-east decolonizing, Israel must stop rise of Iran, 1-14-08 Iran Rising: Iran Rising as dominant Regional power: Oct '07 War with iran? first shots in war against fallon? 3-11-08 The Real Deal: The True Reasons our Corporate Empire is Waging War in the Middle-East, committee, 8-12-07
Pakistan Supporting dictatorial Terror in Pakistan American Idiot Policy with Nuclear Pakistan and India Blood will flow to Preserve Pervez Blood Flows (reconcile with 109_l1, The Bhutto Deal, FT What Bhutto Deal Means Musharraf fears people more than taliban: The next step in us loss of middle east 1-10-08 edited version: Musharraf Fears his own people more than US or Taliban democracy threatens US influence in pakistan, 3-24-08 Bhutto Death: Links Paki links: Short list all paki Links
Russia Russia-China and the new world order balkan conflict looms: US-EU vs Russia Putin's Choice Putin makes Decision 68_6 70_7 96_8 Who "Lost" Russia? The same people who stole our democracy Bush provoking russia
russia-georgia war, 8-08 Georgia: I love description, map, timeline Georgia: reuters timeline The Rise of Russia: ... russian responds to am aggression: Short Link list Russia Links
Saudis Essay: Bush Wars Push Saudi Arabia out of American Axis, committee, 6-07 Essay, The Saudi Shift saudi-iran links
Central-South America essay: central american ruled with iron fist by spanish colonial elites Pandora's Box: Guatemala |
Economy essays ap reports start of the Credit Crunch 8-12-07 why we are supporting china 8-13-07 Markets ready to Kill Economy 8-4-07 Feds Bail out Greedy Speculators, 8-17-07 How much Mortgage Liability do the Banks Have? 9-5-07 Poverty Hidden Behind Cooked Stats, september 22, 2007 Housing Credit Crisis Exposed Rotten Core of Economy 11-24-07 The impending meltdown, 1-14-08 death of the new economy, get ready for the big selloff, 3-14-08 economic or ethical crisis? 3-29-08 death of bubble psychology , 4-7-08 economic/market update: Last week's historic run-up: Perception Vs. Reality, 4-7-08 bernake says prime mortgages inverted: how we got here, how we crawl out, may 6, 2008 All of Inflation’s Little Parts, nyt, May 3, 2008: Interactive Chart A Few Thoughts on the Markets, july 2, 2008 Status of the Econ Crisis: How we got here, where it is Going, and what you should expect to happen, draft document, 7-13-08 MARKET VOLATILITY: The Shark Tank is getting violent. Goldfish should refrain from entering the water. 7-17-08 Environmental News full pages April 8, 2008 Mar 27, 2008 Feb 25, 2008 Jan 26, 2008 Jan 14 2008 December 5 2007 Art |
Environment latest environment page:
environment index page links: Growth is killing us links Plastic Oceans, Loss of Sea Ice, Ice Cover all environment Links
Seasonal Shift: Freak weather(essay) essays: Freak Tornadoes: Global warming Kills at least 50, feb '08 (Two essays.) Corporate Dems, Crimigrants, and Hippies: growing us to death, 11-07 seasons have changed: Our water, our fish, and our rights are gone, april, 2008 Seasonal Shift (essay) Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, August 29, 2007 Endless Growth not Questioned (essay) Boxer's Liar's game: Preserve growth, maintain pollution, while looking "Green," December 5, 2007 our broken social and environmental infrastructures (essay) climitologists failure: They are reporters, not predictors (crop yield decline predicted) mid-west: floods, freak weather indicate famine emerging, 4-8-08