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California News Jan 4, 08 California News Nov 24 California News Oct 31 California News August 28 all california corruption links all Arnie links all Nunez links all budget links all schools links scan the rest of this page for articles about the above topics for today's california headlines see the california progress report Find any state employee salary News feed from the border and beyond: Recent News Arnie plan to give state assets to his bribers, LAT, 11-28 Dem Term-limit FRAUD, bee, 11-26-07 Water: Sacto Incompetent to Lead, bee, 11-28-07 Bribery Kills Safety Regs, Dominates our Legislative, Regulatory, and Electoral sysems, bee, 9-18-07 University of California: another elite leech sucks the system dry (govt vs. corps: who steals more?) Chron, 8-20-07 recent dem scams: Nunez's Term Limits Fraud A rare Victory For Democracy over Corruption! nunez-perata "term limits" fraud defeated: Ther'e out on their fat asses!! ap, 2-6-08
SF Chron on "term limits," 1-22-08 Arnie Flips: Arnie rejects Nunez's Fake Term Limit measure, Bee, September 17, 2007 Arnie Flops: arnie flops on dem power grab: supports extending terms, upi, 1-14-08 reports: Term-limit ads attack nunez-Perata Corruption, bee, 1-8-08 Poizner pledges $1.5 million to defeat Nunez "Term Limits" FRAUD, LAT, Nov 7, 2007 Arnie rejects Nunez's Fake Term Limit measure, Bee, September 17, 2007 Term Limit measure is a FAKE, another Deception by the Democrats to damage our democracy, Bee, September 12, 2007 Good analysis of Term Limit/Redistricting proposals, Bee, September 12, 2007 Term limit petitions ready: Defeat Corporate Politician's Grasping for Monopoly of Power, Sac Bee, July 24, 2007 CA Dems Term-limit FRAUD, Bee, July, 20, 2007 Term limit measure lures health care donors: Nunez and Perata Collecting Bribes to maintain Monopoly of Corporate Corruption in Sacramento, Bee, July 16, 2007 Redistrict proposals all flawed, BEE, 6-5-07 Nunez, Donations can't fail to catch Nuñez's eye: Nunez and Corporate Bribers, Special Interests Craft Pact of Greed on Term Limit Attack, NY Times, 6-4-07 Leaders split over plans to redistrict: Nunez Using Fraudulent Reform to Protect Party and his Political Ambitions, BEE, 5-17-07 NUNEZ-ARNIE REDISTRICTING STALLED BY PELOSI, lat, 2-25-07 Comments: Nunez' fraudulent term-limits initiative The background: Term limits change has initial support: Party Leaders Agree: Term Limits Bad, BEE, 4-6-07
Ca districts drawn by corruption, not democracy, bee, 12-3-06 Arnie Arnie Links Recent Arnie Classics Arnie is the Gold Standard for Living Large on Bribes, LAT 7-5-07 Arnie defends Tyranny if it is the "Will of the People:" Welcome to the dictatorship of the majority. Hell of a lot better than Fiendstien. SF Chron, 9-17-07 Arnie attempts to Strip Civil Rights Commish of Lawyers, SF Chron, 9-17-07 Arnie Vetoes Rational, Bipartisan reforms of Police Practices: What an idiot, NYT 10-16-07
California BudgeT Crisis
Schwarzenegger Budget Cuts everything, cbs, ap, bcn, 1-11-08 Moron Gov tries accounting trick to lessen deficit, sf gate, 1-15-08 Gov budget loses billon in matching fed funds, bee, 1-15-08 The Path to crisis California: Huge budget shortfall seen, arnie miscalculates, Bee, 5-16-07 Summary; Deterioration of the 2007–08 Budget, Elizabeth Hill, Legislative Analyst, Nov 14, 2007 California: from bad to worse: 14 bil shortfall, bee, 12-12-07 Arnie declares Fiscal Emergency, ap, 12-14-07 Legislators respond by punishing themselves with heavy raises, bee, 12-3-07 Schools face steep cuts, bee, 12-10-07 note: schools and prisons failed before deficit Prisons in tailspin, lat, 1-26-07 Min quality schools need 25 bil MORE a year, bee, 3-16-07 nunez is a tool Victory For Democracy over Corruption! nunez-perata "term limits" fraud defeated: Ther'e out on their fat asses!! ap, 2-6-08 Arnie and Nunez agree to subsidize profits of corporate health industry, bee, January 2, 2008 NUNEZ: Dems live in Luxury on a Flood Tide of Bribes, lat, December 12, 2007 State dems pay Nunez's fancy wine bill: a lesser sin than Nunez spending campaign bribes on luxury, lat, 12-12-07 Schools face Steep Cuts, bee, December 10, 2007 Ca Lawmakers take Fat Raises, bee, 12-3-07 Nunez Brags that his Bribes Pay his for Luxury rather than the State: but he still collects his per diem while whoring for the corporations, Bee, October 13, 2007 Great News Clip of Nunez running away from the truth, behind his own "Blackwater" security detail Nunez lives with Political Fundraiser: Is there and separation between Nunez and his Corporate Bribers? AP, 10-12-07 Nunez and Perata Living Large on the Massive Bribes of the Special Interests, Bee, October 9, 2007 Nunez Pretends to be "Middle-Class" while living in luxury at public and private troughs, LAT, October 7, 2007 Nuñez travels the world like a high-roller, LAT, October 5, 2007 Donors poured millions into state parties: Nunez and Perata live like Kings, Bee, October 3, 2007 Worthless Assembly does Nothing but Play Games and Rob the People Blind, Bee, September 13, 2007 Term Limit measure is a FAKE, a Deception by the Democrats to damage our democracy, bee, September 12, 2007 Nunez: Term-Limit Donations can't fail to catch Nuñez's eye, lat, June 4, 2007 Marriage of Corruptions, billery and Nunez, bill bradley, 4-25-07 Nunez, ASSEMBLY STEALS LIKE CORPORATIONS, bee , 1-9-07 POLITICIANS WHO BRIBE POLITICIANS ARE LEADERS, sf chron, 12-4-06 recently california's population swells to 38 million, bay area 7.3 million, sf chron, 5-2-08 california faces water crisis: endless irresponsible growth brings on ecological crisis, sf chron, 5-2-08
Unholy alliance: crimigrants, traitor politicians, abusive corporations, lat, 4-30-08 we killed the fish California bans salmon fishing in coastal waters, bee, 4-16-08
sf torch run: the story in pictures, 4-9-08