Previous Corruption Updates: Page 34 Next Corruption Updates: Page 36 1) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY THE LA TIMES, 2-14-07: 2 charged in Cunningham bribe case“A defense contractor and an ex-CIA official are charged in a bribery scheme that involved a now-jailed congressman.” By Tony Perry, Times Staff Writer,1,4600242.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “SAN
DIEGO — A defense
contractor and a former top-ranking CIA official were
indicted Tuesday on corruption charges in a case that also involved
bribes to disgraced ex-congressman Randy "Duke"
Cunningham. “Except
for a contract to provide water for U.S. personnel in the Middle
East, the indictment does not detail exactly what kind of contracts
Foggo and Cunningham allegedly pressured the Defense Department and
CIA into awarding to Wilkes' companies.” “If
convicted of all counts, Wilkes and Foggo could face prison
sentences in the "hundreds of months," prosecutors said.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: CIA's 3rd Ranking Official A Crook, Possibly a Traitor: Another Scumbag Found In High Office Overseeing State Secrets, Funds That would be Kyle Dustin "Dusty" Foggo. Wilkes should be familiar to fans of the Corruption Updates, as he has graced these pages many times in our short existence. Note that Wilkes' bribes totaled $700,000, the contracts he received were valued at $100 million, and the prosecutors are asking him to return $12 million. Like the Cunningham plea deal, it seems the prosecutors are allowing a crook to keep millions in criminal profits, allowing them to maintain their luxury. Wilkes was featured in our first article, on our first page. Hopefully, this is the beginning of the last chapter in Wilkes infamous career of corruption. Who will be the next Wilkes? Until we become a democracy, our system of political bribery assures that Wilkes, Bushes, and Clintons will continue to scar our polity. Also See: Corruption Updates 1, 1st article on page, “HOW TO GET RICH BUYING POLITICIANS: A BRIBER OF POLS DESCRIBES HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE...” Corruption Updates 2, 8th article, “Duke wife though he was just “normally corrupt" Corruption Updates 2, 11th article on page, “Duke Inquiry Cites Breakdowns,” Widespread Corruption of Committee Processes” Corruption Updates 17, 8th article on page, “Convict “Duke” Lashes Out from Prison” Duke blames Wilkes, press, DA, and everything but himself'” Corruption Updates 30, 5th article on page, “BRENT WILKES BRIBES BIG AND LITTLE POLITICIANS” Corruption Updates 31, 9th article on page, “DUKE MENU OF BRIBERY PAYOFFS W/CONGRESS SEAL” Corruption
Updates 35, 1st article on the page, “2 charged in Cunningham bribe case" Search the Corruption Database under Wilkes Duke Cunningham Big Money Politics 2) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY THE LA TIMES, 2-23-07: Molestation trial begins for lawyer with ties to O.C. powerHe's accused of sex with a 14-year-old he met on the Internet. By Christine Hanley, Times Staff Writer,1,3815042.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “Accused of molesting a 14-year-old boy he met over the Internet, a former aide to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and onetime intern at the Orange County district attorney's office was portrayed Thursday by a prosecutor as a man who repeatedly preyed on a minor for sex.” “Jeffrey Nielsen, 36,” “Nielsen's trial opened in a Newport Beach courtroom nearly four years after he was arrested in front of his colleagues at the Orange County office of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, a prestigious national law firm.” “As
first reported by the OC Weekly, Nielsen was an aide at
Rohrabacher's Washington, D.C., office in the mid-1990s, a period
during which the congressman and GOP power brokers Tom Fuentes and
Michael Schroeder provided character references to USC Law School on
his behalf. Nielsen's father, Ben, is a former Fountain Valley
mayor.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Another Conservative Pervert Child Molester Caught We are having a crime wave of pedophilia that must be stopped. It seems that middle aged ultra conservative Republicans cannot keep their hands off of children of their same sex. A staunch anti Gay Repub was busted in Washington State for trading govt. jobs for gay blowjobs, Foley was molesting children in the halls of Congress, and now Nielsen, a protege of Rohrabacher. was having gay sex with a minor. Maybe the way to get at this problem is through warning labels for politicians. The standard label would read, “DANGER: You are approaching a lying thief. Close your ears and wallet.” (unless you are a lobbyist!!!) For those politicians who want to take away your rights to carry guns, be gay, or have abortions, I would add the following, “May Molest Your Children. May be gay closeted Meth head” Also See: Corruption Updates 8, 3rd article on page, “GOP in OC Sells endorsements” Corruption Updates 20, 7th article on page, “OC Repubs Cannot Stop Embarrassing themselves” About Rohrabacher: “Rohrabacher has been close friends of now-convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff since the mid-1980s.” “Rohrabacher has publicly taken the position that he thinks that “... a lot of other things that have been characterized as corruption on the part of Abramoff are actually standard operating procedures for lobbying in Washington, D.C., arranging trips and things like that. So I think that he's received a lot of unjust criticism."” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Rohrabacher hit the nail on the head in the above quote, except he had his thumb on the head of the nail. Bribery is Corruption, Dana, no matter how “normal” it seems. Whoops! The problem is not that Abramoff has “received a lot of unjust criticism,” as Rohrabacher would have us believe. The problem is that the rest of the CROOKS in Congress who use bribery as a “standard operating procedures” have not been thrown out for trading our government for BRIBES. That's our fault, to a great extent. Read an interesting Bio of Dana Rohrabacher at Answers.Com This is only one in a series of embarrassing incidents of political corruption that seems to be engulfing the O.C. For more; Read more on OC Corrutpions Search the Corruption Database under Orange County Abramoff 3) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 2-24-07: Two school board races top $1 million“Huge infusions of cash from a committee controlled by the mayor and the teachers union drive up the price tag for the District 1 and 3 seats.” By Howard Blume, Times Staff Writer,1,4988869.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “The
political dynamic of the mayor versus the teachers union — two
supposed allies in school reform — is playing out in the
financial statements of school board candidates, with the price
tag on two races sailing past the $1-million mark.” “The most direct confrontation has unfolded in District 3, in the west San Fernando Valley, where incumbent Jon Lauritzen, UTLA's candidate, faces city prosecutor Tamar Galatzan — backed by the mayor, and underfunded teacher Louis Pugliese.” “As
of Friday filings, Galatzan had received $807,701 from the
Partnership for Better Schools, the Villaraigosa-controlled campaign
committee, bringing her total to $915,127.” “District
1, which ranges westward from South Los Angeles, is the scene of
the other big-money contest, pitting incumbent Marguerite Poindexter
LaMotte against local charter school operator Johnathan Williams.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: HUGE SPECIAL INTEREST BATTLE OF THE BUCKS OVER LA SCHOOLS: SCHOOL RACES IN LA COMPLETELY POLITICIZED Why has Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made the LA School District the focus of an out of control political-economic arms race? Because he wants to be Governor, and is willing to sacrifice Los Angeles schools to achieve his goal. Villaraigosa is using the LA School to whip his troops into line, and give his campaign an issue for the next governor's election. So Villaraigosa has poisoned the School Board races with big money special interests. A large group of these special interests have business with the schools, want to make money in the Charter School business, or are trying to buy influence from who they hope will be the future governor of California. Villaraigosa is already selling himself to the special interests while selling LA Schools down the river. We have a lot to look forward to, if Villaraigosa becomes the next governor. Also See: See #9 below, for list of donors to LA School Board Races Search the Corruption Database under Schools Education 4) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 2-25-07:
Democrats in Congress may threaten California redistricting“Opposition could derail plans that would change the way the state's voting districts are drawn.” By Nancy Vogel, Times Staff Writer “SACRAMENTO
— The new dynamic in Washington, with Californian Nancy Pelosi
as House speaker, threatens to thwart an effort by state
political leaders to overhaul the way voting districts are
drawn.” “The governor ran into resistance from Washington in 2005, when his special election agenda included a ballot initiative that would have used retired judges to draw districts. Many of Schwarzenegger's fellow Republicans in Congress urged him to abandon the measure because it could have jeopardized their party's control of Congress.” “But the governor has not given up. In December, he announced support for a proposed constitutional amendment that would use an 11-member panel of politically diverse citizens to draw boundaries.” “That is partly because the last time the Legislature redrew boundaries, in 2001, Republicans and Democrats agreed to maintain the existing ratio of power.” “Rep.
Henry Waxman (D-Los Angeles) said it's time to take the politics out
of what has traditionally been a partisan exercise.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: NUNEZ(ARNIE) PLAN TO RIDE SPEAKERSHIP INTO GOVERNORSHIP STALLED BY CONGRESS NUNEZ PLAN TO END TERM LIMITS ENDED BY CONGRSSIONAL RESISTANCE TO REDISTRICTING The fake redistricting reform that Arnie and Nunez have been working may have just hit the shitcan. The bigger boys and girls of corruption, Congress, has just decided that their goals, maintaining safe seats in California, are more important than Nunez's plan to trade redistricting reform for an increase in years Nunez may serve before being term-limited out of office. This in turn may put Nunez and Villaraigosa into direct competition to be the next Democratic candidate for Governor. Nunez's plan to exempt Congress from the redistricting will not fly. It shows just how desperate Nunez is to retain his seat, and make it a stepping stone to a bigger chair. Also See: Corruption
Updates 23, 10th article on page, “ASSEMBLY
FAKE REDISTRICTING REFORM” Search the Corruption Database under Redistricting Fake Reform 5) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 2-26-07: Rice says Congress shouldn't micromanage war“Bush won't let himself be constrained, the secretary of State says.” By Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Times Staff Writer,1,5609790.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke out Sunday against efforts in Congress to limit the role of U.S. forces in Iraq, saying President Bush would not allow himself to be constrained by such a "micromanagement of military affairs." ” “ "I can't imagine a circumstance in which it's a good thing that their flexibility is constrained by people sitting here in Washington, sitting in the Congress, trying to micromanage this war," Rice said. "I just don't think it's a good thing." ” “The
legislation being drafted by Senate Armed Services Committee
Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and other Democrats would limit the
mission by modifying the 2002 resolution authorizing the use of U.S.
military force in Iraq.” “Levin, on NBC's "Meet the Press," argued that Congress had "the responsibility — not just the power, the responsibility — to speak out and to change the course when you have a failing course, which is what we're on." ” “Asked
if he was "tying the hands of the commander in chief,"
he answered in part: "Of course we're trying to tie the hands
of the president and his policy. We're trying to change the policy.
And if someone wants to call that 'tying the hands' instead of
'changing the policy' — yeah, the president needs a check and
a balance." ” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: RICE TRAITOR TO AMERICAN CONSTITUTION: ENCOURAGES CONTINUED CONGRESSIONAL NEGLIGENCE Both sides of the aisle, both parties, failed to do their duty when they failed to confront the President's lies leading up to the illegal war in Iraq. Both Parties failed to question the overall lack of vision, the blindness that saw us “welcomed as liberators,” which would spread American Corporate “democracy” across the middle east. Never going to happen. These inactions were a Constitutional dereliction of Duty. And Rice is now encouraging Congress to continue to ignore its Constitutionally Mandated responsibility to frame the conflict, determine the goals, and set the rules whereby the President, as Commander in Chief, conducts war. Congress has failed miserably in this, one of their most important duties. If Congress were doing its job, rather than “tying the hands of the commander in chief,” with oversight, we would bind him with handcuffs, and charge him with lying to the People and Congress. We would charge him with breaking the rule of law and the Constitution for his illegal searches and kidnapping foreigners and American Citizens. We would hold him for the international war crimes he has committed. We would ferret out every FBI, CIA, NSA, and military spy who participated in the kidnappings, illegal searches and detentions, tortures and murders they committed, and try them for their crimes. But not Condi. She seems to think the US is another banana republic, where the dictators she encourages can do anything they want. The scary thing is that she is nearly correct. We have brought home all the tools of repression we have used to enslave foreigners. Also See: Corruption Updates 32, 1st article on page, “RICE THANKS EGYPTIAN DICTATOR FOR REGIONAL SUPPORT” Corruption Updates 18, 7th article on page, “FOR MODERATE DEMOCRACY EGYPTIANS BELIEVE DEMOCRACY IN EGYPT “IS NOT A REAL CONCERN” Read More Articles on Egypt Search the Corruption Database under Unconstitutional presidential power Failure of Congressional Oversight Egypt 6) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 2-27-07: Aide pleads guilty in bribery scandalFrom Times Wire Reports February 27, 2007 “The top aide to
convicted former Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) pleaded guilty to federal
conspiracy charges stemming from a congressional bribery scandal.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: ARE FED PROSECUTORS GOING TO BUST OPEN CONGRESSIONAL CORRUPTION? IT LOOKS AS IF FEDS ARE GOING TO ACCEPT EASY PLEAS, LET THEM KEEP MONEY, AND KEEP SILENT It looks like Abramoff, Ney, Cunningham, and a slew of others are not going to be forced to reveal the full extent of Congressional corruption to stay out of jail for the next 50 years. Rather than sweat them to talk, for less that huge sentences, the Attorney General's prosecutors are letting them off the hook, or are in the process of letting them off the hook. I hope I'm wrong. I hope a whole slew of indictments are coming out of these cases. But Lam was just fired. And Iglesias was just fired. Unless things change with Heaton, it looks like the Justice Department is not going to pursue the Abramoff-Ney corruption to its Congressional center. Hell, it looks like the Justice Department will fire the “independent” Federal Prosecutors that have the balls to pursue Republican corruption, and not push hard on the cases Justice prosecutes itself. Heaton was a top aide to Ney. He knows a whole lot about every aspect of Ney's doings. Squeeze him. Remember Fastow of Enron? They had him, and his wife, by the short hairs. The Feds squeezed him hard. He rolled over on everyone. Ney did not act alone. He worked in conjunction with allied Congressmen. He had friends, and help, inside the halls of Congress. Did they squeeze Ney? It seems not. He was sentenced to 30 months, and, so far, his case has produced no indictments outside of his own office. The same thing happened in the Abramoff case. Abramoff was rushed off to prison, which seems to have limited his use as a snitch. The only reason 50 other indictments did not come out of the Abramoff scandal is because the Justice Department is limiting the damage to “their” party. For later developments on Ney Corruption Updates 32, 5th article on page, “Ney to Join Abramoff in Club Fed: Let's Just Put Bars Around Criminal Congress” Search the Corruption Database under Bob Ney Abramoff 7) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 2-27-07: For candidates seeking donors, a new California gold rush“Need campaign funds? This is the state, even for elections in Ohio or Pennsylvania.” By Dan Morain, Times Staff Writer “A
UCLA linebacker shells out $11,100 to help a Republican senator in
Pennsylvania.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: CALIFORNIANS STEAL VOTERS RIGHTS FROM OTHER STATES Why are people so intent on stealing other voters' right to elect their own representatives? Why can't we let the voters in each election decide the issues among themselves, without having massive outside money skew, if not screw, the will of the local voters? After giving money, outside contributors have move influence with the politicians than their own voters. Virtually all the politicians, and both the parties, fund their campaigns with outside money. Each election cycle the voters in every district, in every state, are confronted with slates of candidates that are already more beholden to the special interests and outside contributors than their own people. Then comes the paybacks: earmarks, tax breaks, deregulation, and government giveaways roll out of Washington into the pockets of the big contributors. And thus the cycle of corruption is completed. The answer to the opening question is, for the smart criminals, the Lust for Power. The power to bend people to comply with their will, to impose their values on others. For the lesser criminals, it is a Lust for Wealth. Our democracy was designed to temper these lusts, to bridle them in political halters that protect the life, liberty, and property of the people against the depredations of the lustful. We have lost our most important restraints. Corruption Updates 20, 4th article on page, “POMBO-MCNERNY FIGHT BECOMES NATIONAL BATTLEGROUND OF SPECIAL INTERESTS” Corruption Updates 22, 3rd article on page, “Outside Money Fuels Battle on Abortion” Corruption Updates 22, 6th article on page, “MONEY WINS IN ALMOST EVERY POLITICAL RACE” Search the Corruption Database under Outside Money Elections 8) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 3-2-07: Election rule clarified on public cash“Obama and McCain indicate they'd observe spending limits in a general election if their opponent did.” By John McCormick, Chicago Tribune,1,4677284.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “WASHINGTON — The Federal Election Commission said Thursday that presidential candidates may accept private contributions for potential general election campaigns and still remain eligible for public financing if they ultimately win their party's nomination.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: OBAMA-MCCAIN PLAY LIARS GAME NEITHER CANDIDATE WILL TAKE PUBLIC FUNDS. ALL WILL PRETEND ITS THE OTHER GUY'S FAULT Enough said.
Search the Corruption Database under Candidates Big Money Politics 9) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 3-2-07: What gives on who gives?March 2, 2007 “With no contribution limits and a high-stakes battle between the teachers union and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa in this year's L.A. school board race, donors have poured in cash.” “Some
have business before the school district; others have dealings
before the mayor and city; still others are motivated by civic
duty. The mayor's campaign committee must disclose how it's spending
money between now and Tuesday's primary election, but will no
longer report who's giving money to the mayor's committee until
midyear unless there is a runoff. What follows is a list of selected
donors to the two bigger-money campaigns.” $ 50,000 | Coffee
Bean & Tea Leaf | Mayor's preferred stop for green tea (with
four Splendas). Coincidence? THE COMMITTEE SAYS: LA MAYOR SELLING INFLUENCE THROUGH SCHOOL ELECTIONS: BIG MONEY DONORS BUYING FAVORS, PREPING MAYOR'S FUNDRAISING EFFORTS FOR GUBERNORTORIAL AMBITIONS Also See: See commentary of article #3, Above. Search the Corruption Database under Schools Education 10) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 3-3-07: Teens' arrest in sign protest roils GlendoraBy Jim Newton, Times Staff Writer,1,1245396.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “Even
by the notoriously nasty standards of small-town politics in
Glendora, the late-night arrest of two teenagers last week has taken
local elections in this little city to a bracingly new low.” “While
the young women were affixing those bulletins, however, they were
confronted by none other than Councilman Gary Clifford, who is among
those running for reelection. He demanded that they remove the
stickers, and when they refused, the retired police officer called
for backup.” “There's now talk of a recall should Clifford win Tuesday. Landmann-Johnsey says she'll happily circulate petitions to make that happen.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: MOST CITIES DISCOURAGE GANGS: GLENDORA
Search the Corruption Database under Petty Politics 11) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY AP, 3-5-07 : Domenici says he queried prosecutor, not pressured himFrom the Associated Press March 5, 2007,1,5509834.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “WASHINGTON
— Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) acknowledged Sunday that he
called New Mexico's U.S. attorney last year to ask about the status
of a criminal investigation of state Democrats, but denied
applying pressure or making threats.” DOMENICI FINALLY ADMITS TO UNETHICAL, IF NOT CRIMINAL, CONTACT WITH FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: PROSECUTOR ATTRIBUTES FIRING TO HIS RESISTANCE TO DOMENICI POLITICAL PRESSURE Every department in our government is now a “prize” for political special interests. Big Oil runs Interior. Big Pharm runs the FDA. But the Justice Department is special. Rove, Gonzales, and Bush have made Justice their personal tool of political repression. Justice is the home of the illegal search. Justice is the home of illegal detentions and torture. And Justice works to speed, slow, or end investigations depending on how they affect politics. Domenici was just doing what corrupt politicians do: using our government for their own dirty private goals. And now he is lying about it. Look forward to a whole lot more lies about this one. Also See: Corruption Updates 25, 8th article on page, “FBI CHIEF DEFYS CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT REFUSAL TO DISCLOSE ILLEGAL PROGRAM...” Corruption Updates 34, 2nd article on page, “SCARY NEO-CON POLITICAL OPERATIVE REPLACES US ATTORNEY IN ARKANSAS”
Corruption Updates 35, 11th article on page, “DOMENICI FINALLY ADMITS TO UNETHICAL, IF NOT CRIMINAL, CONTACT WITH FEDERAL PROSECUTOR” Corruption Updates 38, 1st article on page, “Fired U.S. attorney's testimony raises broader concerns” Corruption Updates 38, 5th article on page, “LA TIMES OFFERS BUSH POLITICAL COVER FOR FIRING PROSECUTOR OF DUKE CUNNINGHAM” Corruption Updates 39, 3rd article on page, “Rove's role in firings is focus” Corruption Updates 39, 4th article on page, “Fed Attny Firing Report:TRIBUNE CO HAS MADE LATIMES A TOOL” Corruption Updates 39, 5th article on page, “GOP official urged Rove to fire prosecutor” Corruption Updates 39, 6th article on page, “House panel expands inquiry into prosecutor firings” Corruption Updates 39, 7th article on page, “Gonzales is urged to quit 'for the nation' Corruption Update 43 2nd article on the page, "GONALES CAUGHT IN OPEN LIES TO CONGRESS" Search the Corruption Database under US Attorney Justice
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