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Posted: July 11, 2008

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Environmental Corruption Page 11

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This page contains articles published between April 28 and July 11, 2008.



Humans have overwhelmed nature's carbon balance, bbc, 4-28-08

also see: Hansen: Past the tipping point, ng, 12-14-07



White House blocked EPA studies, GAO reports, sf chron, April 30, 2008



"Fishery Failure" Declared for West Coast Salmon, NOAA, 5-1-08



featured news: You have had your rights, health, wealth, and natural resources ripped off.

california's population swells to 38 million, bay area 7.3 million, sf chron, 5-2-08

california faces water crisis, endless irresponsible growth brings on ecological crisis, sf chron, 5-2-08



'Big Dry' hits Australian farmers, bbc, 5-2-08



Global warming could starve oceans of oxygen: study, reuters, May 1, 2008

Migratory Shorebirds Vanishing Along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, esn, April 21, 2008



Latest environmental prediction:

An impending Global Famine, committee, 4-6-08


impending famine: link list



food crisis, inflation, and an evil american dictator: Egypt ready to blow up, meo, 5-7-08

egypt links



Asia fears rising poverty, social unrest from soaring food prices, afp, 5-4-08



Watch the storm that destroyed burma, and all of its crops, Eumetsat, (adjust time frame to 01/05/08, time span to 9 images minimum)

Mangrove loss 'put Burma at risk,' bbc, 5-12-08



Tropics insects 'face extinction,' bbc, 5-6-08



Egypt caught between popular anger and inflation, Rising food cost has plunged government into crisis with far-reaching social consequences, meo, 5-7-08


Somalia: Food Prices Set Off Second Day of Unrest, nyt, 5-7-08



Wildlife populations 'plummeting,' bbc, 5-16-08



Report: EPA head reversed stand on greenhouse gas, ap, May 19, 2008



Nature in death spiral

Western Drought Now Beats Dust Bowl, Associated Press, 5-21-08

The Big Picture: Western Drought Intensifies (2002-2004),

background: water/climate links. Food/famine links. All environment links. article: Permanent drought essay: The seasons have shifted. essay: the environment is going to cook our ignorant asses.


Bush's "secret" attempts to kill nature

Species rulings get hard look, Former U.S. official's intervention assailed by investigators, Sacbee, 5-22-08

EPA chief mum on contact with White House
He refuses to say whether Bush pressured him to veto state bid for tougher auto emission rules, mcclatchy, 5-21-08

background: The politicization of Everything: executive branch: censorship of science. link lists: Big Oil runs the government. Corruption in every executive branch agency. Manipulating the rule of law: US Attorneys. A Balanced View: the dems are corporate whores too.


Environmental destruction continues: Fear the justice of nature

Vast cracks appear in Arctic ice, bbc, 5-23-08

background: Himalayan glaciers disappearing, Sea Ice disappearing, fish dissappearing. Ocean links.



Filth of LA fouling oceans, lat 5-22-08

background: links: all environment. links: oceans.

Filth of LA, irresponsible growth, killing californians, lat, 5-2008: just keep growing, obese morons.



Bird Flu is coming for YOU: Fear the justice of nature

Bird flu evolving towards humans, afp, 5-27-08


Environmental Disaster

Science has finally pulled its head out of its ass, and looked outside

New Climate Report Foresees Big Changes, nyt, 5-28-08 (note: big changes have already happened)



essay: Our water, our fish, and our rights are gone, committee, 4-08

article: Hansen: Past the tipping point, ng, 12-14-07

notes: The Seasons Have Changed, Crop yields ARE DECLINING RADICALLY, committee, may 2, 2008

links: We Killed the Oceans. Food Crisis. Water Crisis. All Environment links.

Environment News Pages: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1



Nature loss 'to hurt global poor,' changes to bring global GDP down 7%, bbc, 5-31-08

US Plan to cut emissions by 2050 will not avert disaster, reuters, 5-30-08



Is Water Becoming ‘the New Oil’? csm, 5-30-07



The Seasons have Changed

Spain's drought: a glimpse of our future? independent, 5-24-08

Spurred on by poorly planned development, swaths of southeast Spain are turning into desert, nyt, 6-3-08




Morons: Wake up. The rising costs of irresponsible growth, development, and consumption are coming due

Arnie declares Drought without recognizing California's Massive growth already exceeds our water supply: Idiot politicians leave border open, tell moron public to save water so a million illegals can surge into california every year, bee, 6-5-08

background: Water Links

The morons that run our government and economy have irresponsibly grown our population far beyond the capacity of our domestic natural resources, our educational and medical systems, and what our democratic institutions can support.




DW reference, but no link to the video, "The Genetic Conspiracy - Following the Trail," dw tv


Growing famine

Unnatural roots of the food crisis, bbc, 6-2-08

food-energy crisis destabilizing countries around the world, bbc, 6-6-08

push at g8 to end global energy subsidies as unrest rises around the world, bbc, 6-7-08


what's really going on here? Impending Global Famine, committee, 4-6-08


WHO sees impending global food crisis, who, 4-7-08

UN see global food crisis, impending famine, lat, 4-1-08

background: article: ethanol fraud. essay: Impending Famine. essay: political fools "green" themselves as they rush us towards death. links: Food Crisis. the Environment.


Oceans dying fast

Natural lab shows sea's acid path, bbc, 6-8-08

background; links: Plastic Oceans. links: Salmon-fish. the Environment.



Costs of irresponsible growth in US coming due: environment

year of freak floods, tornadoes, droughts, and heat waves continue in US

U.S. Heat Wave Sears East; Midwest Faces Flooding, bloomberg, 6-8-08

1 Dead, 1 Missing In Indiana Flood, Severe Flooding Grips Portion Of State, indy channel, 6-8-08

We grew ourselves into this mess, committee, 6-26-07

background; essay/links: freak weather/nature dealing death to mid west for over a year now. essay: climitologist's failure. essay: freak weather is the new "normal." links: the Environment.


Ethiopia starving from the last crop failure induced by freak weather

Desperation as Ethiopia's hunger grows, bbc, 6-9-08

An Impending Global Famine, committee, 4-6-08

background: links: environmental causes behind rising global food crisis. essay: the seasons have already changed. essay: global famine by october. website: environmental destruction page nine. essay: America sponsored ethiopia's invasion of Kenya.



1 Dead, 1 Missing In Indiana Flood, Severe Flooding Grips Portion Of State, indy channel, 6-8-08

We grew ourselves into this mess, committee, 6-26-07



Fast fall of Mediterranean sharks, bbc, 6-10-08

background; Corruption Updates 71, 9th article on the page, "Only 50 years left' for sea fish"

Shark populations near extinction, BBC News, 1-18-08.

World fish stocks collapse: africa feeling it first, nyt, January 14, 2008.

Links: Fish. Plastic Oceans. All environment links.



Impending Famine, committee, April 6, 2008

background: links: the impending famine.

background; essay: climitologist's failure. essay: freak weather is the new "normal." essays: Freak Tornadoes: Global warming Kills at least 50, feb '08 (Two essays.) links: the Environment.



Midwest battles flood waters, reuters, 6-11-08

US: Corn prices surge to record high, forecast that output would fall because of seasonal change, bbc, 6-11-08

essays: Freak Tornadoes: Global warming Kills at least 50, feb '08 (Two essays.)



Pakistan reports 3% major crop decline, dawn, 6-11-08



Killer weather wreaks havoc across nation, cnn, 6-12-08

National weather service: "...Flooding in the Midwest..."
Damage from flooding appears likely to reach hundreds of millions of dollars. Roads and bridges have been shut down, crops have been damaged, and officials in some areas fear the worst flooding since 1993. Thousands of homes and hundreds of businesses have been flooded with numerous evacuations, countless roads are flooded and closed, road damage is extensive, and many levees and earthen dams have failed or are in jeopardy of failing. Details...



China: We're #1 (in pollution)

China Increases Lead as Biggest Carbon Dioxide Emitter, nyt, 6-14-08

background: links: China's Environmental Meltdown...and a whole lot more



California's Drought: Now it's Official!

Drought emergency declared, bee, 6-13-08

We have No water crisis, we have a crisis of Too Much Irresponsible growth, Too Many People, 6-21-07

Hippies growing us to environmental disaster while feeding irresponsible corporate growth-consumption, 11-07

background; links: water links. article: good work morons: the seasons have changed, 8-29-07 article: stop irresponsible growth now! 6-26-07



Global Famine Rising

Ethiopia pleads for £167m aid after crops fail, guardian, 6-14-08

30% of Alaska salmon wasted: global warming disease ravages yukon salmon, lat, 6-14-08

background: Article: the impending famine. links: the Environment. links: salmon/fish.



floods in north of china, bbc, 6-16-08

floods in south of china, ap, 6-16-08



Secrecy: The Shield of our Criminal Government

White House invokes executive privilege in EPA inquiry, lat, 6-21-08

Background: Bush's "secret" attempts to kill nature

Report: EPA head reversed stand on greenhouse gas, ap, May 19, 2008

Species rulings get hard look, Former U.S. official's intervention assailed by investigators, Sacbee, 5-22-08

EPA chief mum on contact with White House
He refuses to say whether Bush pressured him to veto state bid for tougher auto emission rules, mcclatchy, 5-21-08

background: links: the secret government. The politicization of Everything: executive branch: censorship of science. link lists: Big Oil runs the government. Corruption in every executive branch agency. Manipulating the rule of law: US Attorneys. A Balanced View: the dems are corporate whores too.



Delta water plan will cost billions, sj mercury, 6-22-08

Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, committee, 6-29-07

California firefighters battle hundreds of blazes, oc register, 6-22-08



Toxic Algae Poisons Klamath River and Two Reservoirs, environment news service, 6-18-08



Dead Zones

2008 Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Could Be Largest Ever, environment news service, 6-18-08

background; articles: "Record Gulf of Mexico ‘Dead Zone’ Is Predicted," nyt, 7-18-07Ocean dead zones expanding, ScienceNOW Daily News, 25 January 2008 "Only 50 years left' for sea fish," bbc, 11-2-06. links: Plastic Oceans. links: Water. links: environment.


The Poles

Arctic sea ice melt 'even faster,' bbc, 6-18-08

ANIMATED PHOTO: Ice Shelf Collapses in Antarctica, ng, 6-16-08

background: three articles: Sea Ice. three more articles: Sea Ice.



Indian Monsoon, so far...

Failure in South India, press trust of india, 6-20-08

Floods in North India, iht, 6-16-08



Fake Environmentalists

recycling and biofuels a farce in face of massive american expansion

Biofuel use 'increasing poverty,' bbc, 6-25-08

background; links: ethanol fraud. essay: growth assures climate meltdown, committee, 6-07. essay: Deadly Heat Normal in New American Summer Weather Pattern, August 29, 2007. links: all environment.



Out-of-state help arrives for Calif. fire crews, ap, 6-25-08



Egypt fighting population growth, meo, 7-2-08


Bertha christened First Hurricane of the Season

check it out: Tropical Atlantic Satellite - Water Vapor Loop, noaa


Extinction Underestimated

Extinction risk 'underestimated,' bbc, 7-3-08

background articles: Only 50 years left for sea fish. BEES: Honey, I'm Gone. Study finds huge decreases in bird populations. Record Gulf of Mexico ‘Dead Zone’ Is Predicted. Ocean dead zones expanding. Tiny Delta fish at center of huge water war. Exploring an amphibian epidemic. Natural decline hurting lives. Hansen: Past the tipping point. World fish stocks collaspe: africa feeling it first. Yangtze almost dead. Global warming killing sierra trees. Salmon arriving in record low numbers. Ocean map: Oceans trashed. delay in polar bear protections. Mangrove loss put Burma at risk. Tropics insects face extinction. Wildlife populations plummeting. Fast fall of Mediterranean sharksShark populations near extinction. 30% of Alaska salmon wasted.

background links: all environment links.



Expect More Violent Storms, Fires and Floods

Warming Climate Adds to U.S. Flood Fears, environment news service, 7-2-08

climate set for 'sudden shifts', bbc, 2-4-08

background; article: UN says to expect fires and floods. links: environment.



The French Press Soft on Bush

Climate deadlock seen at G8 despite 'constructive' Bush, afp, 7-6-08

US, Japan call for action on oil, food prices ahead of G8 meet, afp, 7-6-08

background; note: the french ignore the fact that bush is the greatest enemy of the environment in the world today, and that his illegal war and policies have destabilized oil markets, currency values, and supercharged the global food crisis. links: Suppressing Climate Science. (there are also many articles concerning the gross monetary corruption of politicians and law interspersed within the examples of manipulation and suppression of climate science within this list.)



G8 fails to set climate world alight, bbc, 7-8-08

G8 papers over differences on climate change, reuters, 7-8-08


Global warming will push Russia to destruction, reuters, 7-8-08

UN FAO Report: Pests and Diseases Spreading, CLIMATE-RELATED TRANSBOUNDARY PESTS AND DISEASES, FAO, 5-08. (pdf)

background; recent news and links: extinction. analysis: Our water, our fish, and our rights are gone. analysis: Feel Good Environmental Protections Worthless. analysis: The Climate Already Changed, People and Scientists Too Stupid to SEE IT. links: environment.



100 year US Forecast: increasing Fire, Flood, and Drought

With water precious, state faces heat, fires--and drought, capitol weekly, july 10, '08

Projected California warming promises cycle of more heat waves, energy use for next century, eurekalert, 7-10-08


Kiss it goodby

Big Blue

'Alarming' plight of coral reefs, bbc, 7-10-08

Wilkins Ice Shelf hanging by its last thread, esa, 7-10-08

background; article/pictures: ANIMATED PHOTO: Ice Shelf Collapses in Antarctica, ng, 6-16-08. three articles: Sea Ice. three more articles: Sea Ice. links: all Environmental Destruction links.



Northern Afghanistan Struggles With Severe Drought, environmental news service, july 10, '08

background; article: AFGHANISTAN: Over 400,000 people receive food aid amid soaring prices, irin, 4-13-08. article: risk of state failure,  bbc, 1-31-08. links:

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