CORRUPTION UPDATES 37 Previous Corruption Updates: Page 36 Next Corruption Updates: Page 38 1) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE BBC, 3-6-07: Israel, Iran top 'negative list' Nick Childs “A majority of people believe that Israel and Iran have a mainly negative influence in the world, a poll for the BBC World Service suggests.” “It shows that the two countries are closely followed by the United States and North Korea.” “The poll asked 28,000 people in 27 countries to rate a dozen countries plus the EU in terms of whether they have a positive or negative influence.” “In January, the BBC World Service revealed polling results that suggested most people think the US has a mainly negative influence in the world - and that the numbers had increased significantly in the last couple of years.” “This latest GlobeScan survey, mostly of the same people, confirms those findings.” “But it also suggests that two countries are viewed even more negatively - first Israel, and then Iran.” “North
Korea is just behind the US.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Israel, Iran, US most Negative Countries in World This poll requires that Americans look honestly at themselves, and the people around you. Why are you here? What are your fellow citizens, and all these foreigners, doing? The world is also looking at us, and coming up with answers that are disturbing. Search the Corruption Database under Opinion Polls Israel2) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NY Times, 3-7-07: British Court Lifts Ban Over BBC Report on Campaign ScandalNYT, Alan Cowell Published: March 7, 2007 “LONDON, March 6 — In a fierce battle between British authorities and news organizations, the High Court on Tuesday lifted restrictions on the BBC that had prevented it from publicizing developments in a scandal over allegations that honors had been traded for campaign contributions.” “Earlier on Tuesday, The Guardian, defying efforts to limit its coverage, published a front-page article that accused Lord Levy, Prime Minister Tony Blair’s principal fund-raiser, of seeking to “shape” a statement given to the police by Ruth Turner, a senior aide to Mr. Blair.” “The battle of wills began last Friday when the High Court barred the BBC, Britain’s public service broadcaster, from showing a news report on the so-called cash-for-honors affair. The issue has cast a dark cloud of rumors of corruption over what are expected to be the last months of Mr. Blair’s 10-year administration.” “Rebuffing the authorities, The Guardian ran a front-page account of what it said were the accusations against Lord Levy. The report seemed to reinforce suggestions that the police inquiry had moved from the issue of the loans to the more contentious matter of whether high officials had tried to conceal them.” “...the attorney general’s office and the London police said: ‘‘We sought to obtain an undertaking from them that they would not run aspects of the story. They refused so we sought an injunction which was refused on the grounds that the newspaper had already been printed.” Alan Rusbridger, the editor of The Guardian, said it “was given a significant story about the cash-for-honors inquiry which we checked both with Lord Levy and with the police.” ” “ “The story was well sourced and clearly in the public interest,” he said. “In this country there is a well-established principle that the state cannot exercise prior restraint on newspapers.” ” “The article — and speculation on its source — created a sense of deepening crisis about the affair, because a cover-up would almost certainly spread more political damage to the highest levels in Mr. Blair’s government. The police have interviewed him twice, but as a witness, not a suspect. Lord Levy and Ms. Turner, by contrast, have been arrested.” “After
restrictions on the BBC were lifted, it reported: “Tony
Blair’s aide, Ruth Turner, expressed concern that Lord Levy
had put to her a version of events over cash-for-honors which she
believed to be untrue. The concern was put in a document which the
BBC has not seen, but which has been supported by more than one
source.” ” BBC Peerage Scandal Coverage Censored The NY Times discovered that our President was a criminal, and held reporting on illegal searches by the Administration for a year. The NY Times repeated the lies of the President and Administration, failing to investigate or find the obvious lies they were based on. (There were 1000 weapons inspectors, headed by Hans Blix, searching everywhere in Iraq for weapons of “mass” destruction when the Times was telling us we were going to be nuked.). I wish the NY Times was like The Guardian, and would push the truth, rather than sitting like a frightened dog in its own urine. I wish the NY Times would look out for America's interest first, and join the American free press. It is questionable if the NYT puts the best interest of this country, The United States, before the interests of Israel. The British Press has acted like a free press. The American Press has acted like a tool of Corporations in the interest of profits and a foreign power. Scandals: Sex, Bribery and Paybacks Corruption Updates 13, 9th article on page, “Want to be A Lord? British Tories Selling Peerages” Corruption Updates 14, 7th article on page, “Donors Police Quiz Top Blair Aide” Corruption Updates 14, 8th article on page, “Tories Accused Over "Secret Cash" Corruption Updates 27, 9th article on page, “Police Question Blair on Peerages for Pay Scandal” Peerages For Pay Scandal Tightens Noose Around Blair's Neck:Key Aide Busted, iran daily, 1-21-07 LABOR SELLS ITSELF, TITLES OF NOBILITY, AND HONOR, IN PURSUIT OF BIG BUCKS AND E..., bbc, 1-30-07 Corruption Updates 37, 2nd article on the page, "BBC Peerage Scandal Coverage Censored" Peerage Scandal Dooms Lords, cnn, 3-7-07
Blair Out, Brown in: Will English Foreign Policy return to Sanity? lat, 6-24-07 Brit Corruption Continues under Brown, Daily Mail, Nov 27, 2007
International corruption; War, Arms, and Oil BRIT GOVT HIDES BRIBES TO SAUDIS, bbc, 12-15-06 ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY REASSERTS CRITICISM OF WAR, arabic news, 12-30-06 British Academics’ Union Endorses Israel Boycott, nyt, 5-31-07 Saudi prince 'received arms cash', bbc, 6-7-07 Israel Boycott: Biggest British Union Backs it, nyt, 6-23-07 BAE systems' shares fall on Justice Dept. probe: How much Clout does Saudi Arabi..., nyt, 6-26-07 Putin rebukes 'colonial' Britain: Putin Rejects British Superiority, bbc, 7-24-07 Brit Corruption Continues under Brown, Daily Mail, Nov 27, 2007 Brit Govt seeks 42 day detention without proof, ap, December 7, 2007 Financial profits drop precipitiously in UK, The Independent, (UK) 07 January 2008 US "lied" (wink-wink) to UK, and used UK bases to support torture taxi, indepnedent, 2-22-08
Search the Corruption Database under Media Selling Peerages International England 3) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE CNN, 3-7-07: British lawmakers endorse electing House of Lords, booting nobles“LONDON (CNN) -- The dukes, barons and other British noblemen who sit by birthright in the House of Lords may soon have to pack their powdered wigs and go, after a historic parliamentary vote Wednesday.” “The House of Commons endorsed the idea of moving toward a mostly or totally elected House of Lords and ejecting about 90 members, known as hereditary peers, who sit in the upper house of Britain's Parliament by virtue of their inherited title.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Peerage Scandal Dooms Lords The Brits have a system like ours; the rich own politics. They have a vestige of Aristocracy, the House of Lords, that represents the Aristocratic Elite. Mixing these two elements produced this latest peerage scandal. Here, we have “pioneers,” and “rangers.” I believe Blair should sell us the House of Lords. This would give the Dems and Repubs an excellent marketing tool for soliciting bribes. Imagine, rather than giving $50,000, and receiving 10 million and a night in the Lincoln Bedroom, you receive 10 million and a title of nobility. Corruption Updates 13, 9th article on page, “Want to be A Lord? British Tories Selling Peerages” Corruption Updates 14, 7th article on page, “Donors Police Quiz Top Blair Aide” Corruption Updates 14, 8th article on page, “Tories Accused Over "Secret Cash" Corruption Updates 27, 9th article on page, “Police Question Blair on Peerages for Pay Scandal” Corruption Updates 32 , 6th article on page, "Key Blair Aide Arrested" Corruption Updates 33 ,9th article on page, "Lord Levy Arrested" Corruption Updates 37, 2nd article on page, "British lawmakers endorse electing House of Lords, booting nobles" Search the Corruption Database under Selling Peerages 4) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE SF CHRONICLE, 3-7-07: In public's mind, White House is guilty“Its campaign to discredit its detractors will be remembered after Libby is forgotten” “(03-07) 04:00 PST Washington -- People will soon forget the details of the Lewis "Scooter" Libby case, if they knew them in the first place.” “Whether the vice president's former chief of staff gets 25 years in prison or even a presidential pardon after his conviction Tuesday for lying and obstructing justice is of little consequence to most Americans.” “And the testimony showed that President Bush either was lying about the White House's role in outing a CIA officer at the center of the scandal or was kept in the dark by top aides who defied his orders to come forward.” “ "I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information,'' Bush declared in September 2003. "If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know about it, and we'll take the appropriate action. ... I want to know who the leakers are.'' ” “Testimony at the trial made plain that when Bush spoke those words, Karl Rove, his top political aide; Ari Fleischer, his press secretary; Richard Armitage, the No. 2 man at the State Department; and Libby had each discussed the matter, on background, with reporters.” “ "The trial has been very embarrassing to the White House,'' said Jonathan Turley, a professor of law at George Washington University who has been closely monitoring the case.” “ "This is one of the most closed administrations in modern history, overtly hostile to any transparency over how it operates,'' Turley said. "The trial riveted the city because it gave a rare insight into the Bush White House. And what we saw was hardly flattering to either the president or the vice president.'' ” “The felony convictions are likely to further erode the White House's credibility on Iraq, which is already at an all-time low.” “Bush has never reconciled his public statements demanding to know the identity of the leakers with evidence that showed they included some of his top aides. If Bush didn't already know their identity, his most trusted advisers were willfully defying his instructions.” “ "We could clarify this thing very quickly if people who have got solid evidence would come forward and speak out. And I hope they would,'' Bush declared to no avail in 2003.” “Among those who likely had a good knowledge of the leakers was Cheney, who discussed the identity of Wilson's wife with Libby a few weeks before it became public.” “ "Clearly Cheney understood immediately that this article could produce a cascading political crisis for the White House,'' Turley said of the evidence. "The trial revealed a surprising level of both hysteria and hypocrisy in the White House.'' ” “The
White House was not the only institution tarnished in the trial. The
witnesses included at least nine prominent Washington journalists, whose
testimony made plain the cozy relationship between some top
administration officials and the reporters who cover them.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Public
Recognition of Criminal President Rising This is a fantastic article, except for one problem. The Administration's whole program to “get Wilson by outing Plame” began with the President declassifying Plame's identity. If this was not the case, Fitzgerald's investigation into the outing of a spy would have continued. Fitzgerald's spy investigation turned into a perjury case when Bush Told Fitzgerald that HE DECLASSIFIED PLAME AT THE BEGINNING OF THE “GET WISLON” CAMPAIGN. At this moment Fitzgerald realized that Libby had lied to him the whole time, in order to protect the original source of the leak: THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. See: Article 12 in Corruption Updates 34. The commentary in article 12 covers this topic in depth. Read more Articles about Unconstitutional Presidential Power Search the Corruption Database under Plame Media Unconstitutional Presidential Powers 5) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 3-7-07: Fired U.S. attorneys testify before Congress“One says he 'felt sick' after calls by GOP lawmakers” By Richard A. Serrano, Times Staff Writer “WASHINGTON
— A fired federal prosecutor described Tuesday how two
Republican lawmakers from New Mexico made him feel "sick"
after they called him — in one case at his home — to ask
about criminal charges against Democrats last fall, just as one
of the officeholders faced a tight reelection race.” “Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales and Justice Department officials have strongly defended the terminations, saying they were made because the prosecutors had not met expectations or simply to make room for other individuals to have a shot at the traditionally plum jobs.” “H.E.
"Bud" Cummins III, the former U.S. attorney in Little
Rock, Ark., said he was pushed aside to make room for Timothy
Griffin, a Republican operative for chief White House political
advisor Karl Rove.” “Iglesias acknowledged that he likewise did not report the phone calls
from Wilson and Domenici and said he came forward about
them only after he was fired.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Fed Attorneys Silent on Pressure/Threats Until Fired Loyalty is becoming a big issue for Republicans in this case. It should, as this started when they put loyalty to their corrupt party before loyalty to our country and Constitution. In this case, Iglesias was criminally pressured by Domenici, and Iglesias failed to do his duty to report, and prosecute this crime because of party loyalty. Only when the party screwed him did he do his duty, and report the crime. Not very honorable behavior. This type of behavior paved the road for the President's lies and manipulations that drove us to an illegal and very dangerous war in Iraq. The Democraps are guilty as accessories to the crimes leading up to the war. The Democrats have been stealing our governmental powers, and selling them to the highest bidder as long as the Republicans have. But The Repugnants have distinguished their party by putting their loyalty to their bribers, and each other, so far above our general welfare and our Constitution, as to make the Democraps look like real pussies, either as servants of corporate bribery, or as defenders of the Constitution. The Repugnants actions would be sufficient to start a revolution, if there were enough Americans left in the country to be offended. The people here fight each other to work cheaply, and serve the rich well. It has been said that “whenever any form of government become(s) destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government,,,” The committee recommends that Americans seize their Constitutional right to democratically elect their own representatives before this corporate government commits even more serious crimes, and requires more serious responses. See: Corruption Updates 25, 8th article on page, “FBI CHIEF DEFYS CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT REFUSAL TO DISCLOSE ILLEGAL PROGRAM...” Corruption
Updates 34, 2nd article on page, “SCARY
NEO-CON POLITICAL OPERATIVE REPLACES US ATTORNEY IN ARKANSAS” Corruption Updates 35, 12th article on page, “DOMENICI FINALLY ADMITS TO UNETHICAL, IF NOT CRIMINAL, CONTACT WITH FEDERAL PROSECUTOR” Corruption Updates 38, 1st article on page, “Fired U.S. attorney's testimony raises broader concerns” Corruption Updates 38, 5th article on page, “LA TIMES OFFERS BUSH POLITICAL COVER FOR FIRING PROSECUTOR OF DUKE CUNNINGHAM” Corruption Updates 39, 3rd article on page, “Rove's role in firings is focus” Corruption Updates 39, 4th article on page, “Fed Attny Firing Report:TRIBUNE CO HAS MADE LATIMES A TOOL” Corruption Updates 39, 5th article on page, “GOP official urged Rove to fire prosecutor” Corruption Updates 39, 6th article on page, “House panel expands inquiry into prosecutor firings” Corruption Updates 39, 7th article on page, “Gonzales is urged to quit 'for the nation' Corruption Update 43 2nd article on the page, "GONALES CAUGHT IN OPEN LIES TO CONGRESS" Search the Corruption Database under US Attorney Big Money Politics Killing Safety Regulation Killing Market Regulation 6) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE AP, 3-7-07 : Republicans could face new ethics probesBy LARRY MARGASAK -- Associated Press WriterLast Updated 11:56 am PST Wednesday, March 7, 2007 “WASHINGTON (AP) Republicans could face ethics investigations for contacting U.S. attorneys about pending cases, a jarring political development only four months after ethical lapses helped cost the GOP control of Congress.” “Two veteran Republican lawmakers and a top GOP leadership aide contacted prosecutors who later were fired. All three denied wrongdoing.” “The Senate ethics committee already is conducting a preliminary inquiry into the call by Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., to a prosecutor in his state. The action was required once the committee received a complaint against Domenici from a congressional watchdog group.” “The House's ethics panel has more discretion on starting an initial inquiry. But Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said there should be one. Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., contacted the same prosecutor as Domenici.” “Edward Cassidy, a top aide to House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio and a former ethics committee staff member, contacted a prosecutor in Washington state.” “Cassidy's case presents a potential conflict for the senior Republican on the House ethics committee, Rep. Doc Hastings of Washington state. Cassidy was his top aide in his personal office and on the committee. He would not comment Tuesday on whether he planned to remove himself from any committee decisions.” “The fired prosecutor from New Mexico, David Iglesias, told senators he had a brief telephone conversation with Domenici in late October 2006 that ended when Domenici abruptly hung up. Iglesias said he had just told the senator that indictments in a corruption case against Democrats would not be handed down before the November elections.” “Iglesias also said he received a call from Wilson before the election, in which she asked him about sealed indictments - a topic prosecutors cannot discuss. Wilson's question "raised red flags in my head," Iglesias said.” “John McKay, the fired U.S. attorney in Seattle, said he stopped Cassidy - the Hastings assistant - from asking him detailed questions about an investigation into the disputed election of Washington state's Democratic Gov. Christine Gregoire in 2004.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Repugs Hoping to Hide Behind Ethics Committee The Repubs are hoping to hide behind the shield of scoundrels, The Ethics Committee. If they are successful, the are ok. The Ethics Committee is the place where Congress defends its image by never convicting anyone of anything. Cassidy, who made one of the unethical, if not criminal, calls to US Attorneys, was a staffer on the Ethic Committee that has no ethics. Ironic? The other option is a Justice Department investigation. The same Justice department that executed the US Attorneys who did not “Answer” the calls of “loyalty” from this Administration and its henchmen. A prediction: A Justice Dept. investigation will find nothing wrong.
This type of investigation will not be a problem for this type of Administration. A real investigation will reveal a criminally corrupted Administration drowning in the consequences of its own lies. See: Corruption Updates 11, 8th article on page, “Congress Again Proves it has NO ETHICS; Revolving Door and Massive Payoffs Feather their nests” Corruption Updates 23, 3rd article on page, “Politicians Trade Bribes for Paychecks” Corruption Updates 29, 7th article on page, “EX-SEN BURNS TRADES BRIBES FOR PAYCHECK:REVOLVING DOOR BETWEEN WORKING FOR Special interests” Read other abstracts about the Failed Ethics Committee
Search the Corruption Database under Ethics Committee US Attorney 7) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE BEE: Keating case prompted intervention rules “WASHINGTON (AP) Restrictions on senators' intervening with federal agencies were adopted after the Keating Five investigation, in which five senators contacted regulators on behalf of banking executive Charles Keating.” “Senate offices should refrain from intervening in pending court actions "until the matter has reached a resolution in the courts," the Senate's ethics manual says. The House's version has similar warnings.” “In the Keating case, which ended in the early 1990s, the Senate's ethics committee was able to link the timing of contributions by the wealthy savings and loan executive to the senators' intervention with banking regulators on Keating's behalf.” “The case followed a catastrophic savings and loan disaster, when people lost their savings as institutions failed. The five senators had taken about $1.3 million from Keating.” “The House's ethics manual says that the House and Senate recognize that a request for background information or a status report "may in effect be an indirect or subtle effort to influence the substantive outcome of the proceedings." ”
THE COMMITTEE SAYS: McCain-Keating Corruption of US Attorney repeated by BUSH We Never Learn our Lessons McCain is still in office after he impoverished thousands of retirees. Keating went to prison, but like Milken, he was allowed to keep most of the wealth he stole. Ah, The Regan Era. McCain is now running for President, and he is trying to get every “Keating” in the country to give him millions of dollars. Clinton has armies of “Keatings” and “Abramoffs” marshaling millions of special interest dollars for “our” next Presidential election. History does not repeat itself. It builds on itself, incorporating experiences to empower change. Unfortunately, our parties and politicians decided to put their political corruption on steroids, rather than dismantle it.
Updates 39, 9th article on page, McCain tapping
big donors: NEITHER MCAIN
REFORM ELUDED THEM Search the Corruption Database under US Attorney Big Money Politics 8) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE AP, 3-6-07 : CIA leak trial prompts scrutiny of MediaBy HOPE YEN -- Associated Press WriterLast Updated 11:14 pm PST Tuesday, March 6, 2007 “WASHINGTON (AP) The CIA leak trial turned a spotlight on the shifting ground rules for reporters and their editors who more than ever must balance their pursuit of the news with a heightened risk of landing in court.” “Eve Burton, general counsel of the Hearst Corp., which owns the San Francisco Chronicle and other papers, said editors have had to abandon at least three stories involving government activity in recent months because of a more hostile legal environment.” “Consider, too, that White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby's conviction was based on the testimony of several journalists. The former White House aide was found guilty Tuesday on four felony counts of lying about his role in exposing undercover CIA officer Valerie Plame. He could face up to 25 years in prison.” “In the Libby case, nearly a dozen of Washington's best-known journalists took the stand during the five-week trial to recount confidential interviews. Most testified unwillingly, under court order. Only 13 media subpoenas had been granted in the previous 15 years involving confidential sources, according to the Justice Department.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Corporate Media Humiliates itself, Again: War,WMD,Kidnapping,Torture,and Plame prove Media lapdogs of Tyranny WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A REPORTER AND A TOOL OF THE BUSH ADMINISTRATRION? NOTHING This article masks the fact that these “journalists” are little more than mouthpieces of the Administration. This article does not mention that these “journalists” are employees of major corporations that have deeply censored the breath and content of the “news” they present. This fact is reflected by the Democratic Party's actions leading up to the war. Few even questioned the open lies of the Administration. (1000 weapons inspectors were IN Iraq when Bush was lying) The parties and the press set the limits of discourse and reporting, independent of the facts of the situation. Our “free” press aided and abetted the criminal outing, and the coverup that followed. Today, our “free” (read “corporate”) press has still not revealed the TRATIOROUS ACTS OF THE PRESIDENT that instigated the Plame Incident, and the War in Iraq. Reports on the Free Press Search the Corruption Database under Media Plame 9) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE BBC, 3-6-07 : Bangladesh detentions extendedBy John Sudworth BBC 3-6-07 “More than 30 high-ranking politicians and businessmen in Bangladesh arrested on charges of corruption have had their detention extended for another month.” “The detainees include former cabinet ministers, political advisers and bureaucrats arrested last month.” “All their bail applications have been refused by a court. “ “The interim government has made tackling graft a priority and a precondition for the restaging of January's cancelled general election.” “The list of those now being accommodated by the Bangladeshi prison system includes some of the most wealthy and powerful men in the country.” “Former ministers for power, civil aviation and tourism, labour and manpower and communications have been detained, along with politicians and advisers close to the former prime ministers from both the main parties.” “The announcement that they are to spend at least another 30 days behind bars is a sign that the new government appears determined to investigate the corruption charges against them.” “In
January, the new head of Bangladesh's interim government Fakhruddin
Ahmed vowed to crack down on the corruption and violence which
he said was undermining the country's democracy.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: Bangladesh Jails Political Elite:We Should follow their ExampleBangladesh
should be congratulated. We hope that their investigations are
fruitful, and their prosecutions fierce. Search the Corruption Database under International Foreign Policy 10) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 3-6-07 : Schwarzenegger calls for coordinated attack on gangs“He proposes a statewide summit on street crime and says local officials should join forces when pursuing state funds to attack the problem.” By Stuart Pfeifer, Times
Staff Writer,1,7359686.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called Monday on mayors and law enforcement officials across California to join with him in forging a counterattack on street gangs blamed for much of the state's violent crime.” “The governor's participation in the gang discussion came after he was accused by some of minimizing the effect of gang violence. He did not mention gang crime during his State of the State address in January and was criticized for not making stronger comments about the racially motivated slaying of 14-year-old Cheryl Green in the Harbor Gateway neighborhood of L.A. Authorities say Latino gang members targeted Green, an eighth-grader, because she was black.” Arnie Notices Foreign Gangs run California Streets Arnie, as a foreigner abandoning his country in the pursuit of wealth, has, what I call “immigrant blindness.” “immigrant blindness” depends on bumper-sticker philosophy: “we're all immigrants” is its battle cry. Arnie is blind to the fact that immigration was stopped in 1924. Why? Between 1924 and 1970 a distinct American culture came together. Much of this cultural creation was focused on fixing the problems and abuses the last major immigration, between 1880 and 1917, created: The destruction of our Farmer Democracy, the creation of the Robber Barons, and the formation of a new aristocracy, the corporate aristocracy. By 1960 things were coming to a head: The People were demanding their government back, and the government and corporations responded by replacing the whole middle class with obedient foreigners. Just like the farmers were fucked by the industrial immigrants of the 1880s, the American middle class of the 1960s has been fucked by this latest, greatest wave of foreigners. Arnie obscures both the material and the true costs of immigration. The material loss of our schools, roads, medical, retirement, prisons, and jobs pales in comparison to the true costs. Our
corporate aristocracy, the one that rose on the backs of the
industrial immigrants, created this latest wave of immigration to
end middle class claims to political power, and roll back all the
achievements they had gained between 1924 and 1970. Their
final goal is to create a corporate fascist state. They
are very close to complete victory, and complete defeat. The loss of
the middle class is not a problem for the corporations. It is a
requirement for Corporate fascism to rise. They require poverty for
success. But the destruction of the middle class has shaken many
American's faith in the parties, which is raising questions about
the legitimacy of this government. As the corporations come closer to their goal, the resistance to their crimes increases exponentially. The question comes down to, “do we have enough people here who put their country before their personal profit?”
(by country, I mean the United States)
Search the Corruption Database under Immigration Crimigrants Arnie
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