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The Situation on Monnday, November 3, 2008: This Criminal Govt Has Screwed Us.
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WANTED: 1000 californians to drive bribery out of politics NextRevolution.Org

Latest on this page: Monday, Nov. 3, 4:06 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa, including


Oct 12th, 8th and the 6th as well.

also onthis page, below: Thursday, Sept 18, 2008: Feeding the Pig

Latest page: Home

Next page: 12-23-08

This Page: 12-21-08

last news page: September 13, 2008

Previous to the above: September 2-3, 2008

NEW Feature
The Next Revolution Reports

Check out our first weekly video report on the status of our democracy 

friday, July 25, 2008: Intro, and the Breakdown in the Rule of Law in the Dept of Injustice
Links to illegal searches referred to in the first Next Revolution Reports:

Illegal Search links

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Are there any Americans left out there?

It is time for you all to rise to the defense of your country

within the scope of your lives and the reach of your capabilities

Spacer; Important Web Site Notice I am presently unable to publish Spacer; Important Web Site Notice

Life is Beauitiful

Social Life Sucks

December 11-20, 2008

Three Reasons:

1>I am bankrupt

2>Family Emergency has drawn me to Seattle from Berkeley

3> My latest computer followed my last by crashing on the way to Seattle, with no hope for replacement is on the way.

I will begin reporting and analysis again when I make some small amount of money, after returning from Seattle, and I am able to afford a transfer my files to the new computer replacing my crashed unit

Happy Corporate Holiday, fools!

election special


November 3

election special

Bribed politicians of both parties have killed public safety: links




note from al:

Hey guys, my computer has repeated crashed and finally died. I have recovered the basics, and I am trying to get caught up!

Stay tuned!

Our "election" choices

Lesser evil, two devils, or farce?

Nasty, Brutish, and Short: McCain’s America, kotori, august, 14, 2008


Obama links

Dems are corporate tools too: links


Parties fight to assume illegal powers of our criminal government, alex

You have been robbed of your democracy, your rights, and now all of your money

And you let them do it


October 12

4:56 am, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

The unbridled corruption and greed of your country, that you tolerated, have just delieverd to you your just desserts

What are you going to do? Retire?

Global Markets Crash Hard-Global Economy Next

The Corruption Crash of 2008


Feature Story

The worse week in US econ history

U.S. Stocks Tumble, Sending S&P 500 to Worst Drop Since 1933, bloomberg, 10-11-08


The Latest Analysis of the CRASH

This is not a "confidence crisis," it is a crisis of ethical, political, and market fundamentals: or why you deserve what you are getting, alex, 3:51 am, 10-12-08


Know what happened

The Complete and Utter Failure of Capitalism as a political System, alex, 9-17-08



Joe Biden just led the charge to kill bankruptcy for you, then turned around and is giving trillions to the morally and economically bankrupt rich that bribed him, and fund both parties



april 6, '08: how we got here, how we crawl out of here


Track the thieves

more background:

all economic links



How we got Here:

Status of the Econ Crisis: How we got here, where it is Going, and what you should expect to happen, 7-13-08


Prediction of the Market Crash:

august 17, '07: Housing-credit crisis exposing the rotten core of American Markets and Economy

the actual quote

august '07: Markets ready to Kill Economy


Pin the tail on the Donkey: The Politicians DID IT

january 14, '08: The impending meltdown


Market Perception

The "New Economy," and other mumbo-jumbo

Death of the "New Economy:" Get ready for the Big Selloff, alex, march 14, 2008



april 29, '08: Market Perception and Reality are nearing parity




This is an Ethical, not a an Ecomomic Crisis

march 29, '08: economic or ethical crisis?

Wendsday Oct 8: ...Global Markets Crash, Europe, Asia take record Dives, See Below for links to Market Info, Analysis.....1:42am pst, Berkeley...


England: Brown Blames US....Iceland: Bankrupt....Asia: Record market plunge...Russia: RTS Market closed until "further Notice,"...russian markets market plunge 11 to 14%...Canada: markets crash...US: US markets still crashing, global rate cut...Europe: Emergency Rate Cut...IMF: WE'RE SCREWED...



Your bribed politicians have betrayed our democracy and robbed you blind


October 6

12:05 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa

The only solution to our economic and social problems is political:

We Must Restore our Democracy

  Top Story  

Yet another Massive Market Crash

Dow Plunges well below 10,000

Global Stock Freefall: Stocks sharply lower as global crisis persists, marketwatch, 10-6-08

Stocks Fall Sharply on Credit Concerns, jew york times, 10-6-06

U.S. Stocks Decline, Dow Industrial Average Falls Below 10,000, bloomberg, 10-6-08



The Complete and Utter Failure of Capitalism as a political System, alex, 9-17-08


Status of the Econ Crisis: How we got here, where it is Going, and what you should expect to happen, alex, 7-13-08

Econ Things you should know The Economy other news


how we got here:

Prediction of the Market Crash:

august '07: Markets ready to Kill Economy

august 17, '07: Housing-credit crisis exposing the rotten core of American Markets and Economy

the actual quote


Pin the tail on the Donkey: The Politicians DID IT

january 14, '08: The impending meltdown


Report on the inversion of prime mortgages, and the impending DEATH of our bubble psychology:

Death of the "New Economy:" Get ready for the Big Selloff, alex, march 14, 2008

april 29, '08: Market Perception and Reality are nearing parity


This crisis is rooted in ethical and political corruption, not the economy

march 29, '08: economic or ethical crisis?



april 6, '08: how we got here, how we crawl out of here

Track the thieves

more background:

all economic links



On a different Note

The End of the American Age

Russia, the Black Sea, and the American Corporate Empire, alex, 8-08



I have deferred from reporting on the Economic meltdown since the Sept. 18 edition, below.

The reason is because I have already defined the problem, its causes, its trajectory, and its end. If you have followed the articles listed at left, you are better informed than 99% of the population.

So far, all of my predictions since August 2007 have proved correct and largely accurate.

The timing of my prediction that the Dow would fall down to the 6800 to 7200 range is wrong: I said it would be there by June, 2008.

The government's full support and funding of their fellow predators on Wall Street deferred the moment of reckoning, until now, but has not averted the meltdown.

Now is the time for all good American Citizens to dismantle the system of bribery and corruption that has killed our democracy, destroyed our infrastructure, invaded the world, and stolen all of our money.

It is time for American Citizens (as opposed to "american consumers") to recognize that the long-term looting of our country started with the loss of our democratic rights.

It is past time for American Citizens to understand that there is only one way to stop this robbery.

The only solution to our economic, social, and foreign policy problems is to end the political bribery that created this mess in the first place.


Right Now

US indexes

global indexes

dollar value

oil: Brent Crude

oil: light Sweet


all futures


history of the Crash

all economic links

note: I started this site two years ago when my analysis indicated our corruption would tear down our economic and political systems. Here it is, as predicted.





International Union for Conservation of Nature Reports:

1 of 4 mammal species threatened with extinction, 2 of 4 mammal species in serious trouble

the report

IUCN Red List reveals world’s mammals in crisis, IUCN press release, 10-6-08


The Environmental Meltdown, alex, august, '08


Endangered Species Act -- parts of it could become extinct, lat, 8-12-08

Mass Extinctions And 'Rise Of Slime' Predicted For Oceans, science daily, 8-13-08

More background

Wildlife populations 'plummeting,' bbc, 5-16-08


Bird species plummet as habitat dwindles, sf chron, 7-11-08


Extinction risk 'underestimated,' bbc, 7-3-08

background articles: Only 50 years left for sea fish. BEES: Honey, I'm Gone. Study finds huge decreases in bird populations. Record Gulf of Mexico ‘Dead Zone’ Is Predicted. Ocean dead zones expanding. Tiny Delta fish at center of huge water war. Exploring an amphibian epidemic. Natural decline hurting lives. Hansen: Past the tipping point. World fish stocks collapse: africa feeling it first. Yangtze almost dead. Global warming killing sierra trees. Salmon arriving in record low numbers. Ocean map: Oceans trashed. delay in polar bear protections. Mangrove loss put Burma at risk. Tropics insects face extinction. Wildlife populations plummeting. Fast fall of Mediterranean sharks.  Shark populations near extinction. 30% of Alaska salmon wasted.

also see

Hansen: Past the tipping point, ng, 12-14-07

White House blocked EPA studies, GAO reports, sf chron, April 30, 2008

Bush's "secret" attempts to kill nature

Species rulings get hard look, Former U.S. official's intervention assailed by investigators, Sacbee, 5-22-08

EPA chief mum on contact with White House:
He refuses to say whether Bush pressured him to veto state bid for tougher auto emission rules, mcclatchy, 5-21-08

The politicization of Everything

executive branch: censorship of science.

links: Big Oil runs the government.

links: Corruption in every executive branch agency.

links: Manipulating the rule of law: US Attorneys.

A Balanced View: the dems are corporate whores too.

environment index page

All environmental links


Thursday, September 18
1:45 pm, pst, berkeley, ca, usa


The Economy

Economic Analysis

Economic Crisis Update: AIG/Freddie/Fannie/et el... Feeding the Pig: Will it help or hurt? alex, 9-18-08


Political Analysis

The Complete and Utter Failure of Capitalism as a political System, alex, 9-17-08


The Main Story

Status of the Econ Crisis: How we got here, where it is Going, and what you should expect to happen, 7-13-08


Right Now

US indexes

global indexes

dollar value

oil: Brent Crude

oil: light Sweet


all futures



Recent events

Dems/Repugs: Coconspirators in the Political and Economic looting of our Country


’08 Rivals Have Ties to Loan Giants, nyt, 9-9-08

Too Few Regulations? No, Just Ineffective Ones, nyt, 9-13-08



recent Analysis

MARKET VOLATILITY: The Shark Tank is getting violent. Goldfish should refrain from entering the water. 7-17-08


A Few Thoughts on the Markets, july 2, 2008



The Growth of the Crisis

i have tracked this impending crisis for over a year

april 29, '08: Market Perception and Reality are nearing parity

april 6, '08: how we got here, how we crawl out of here

march 29, '08: economic or ethical crisis?

march 14, '08: Death of the new economy, get ready for the big sell off

january 14, '08: The impending meltdown

november 24, '07: Housing-credit crisis exposing the rotten core of American Markets and Economy

september 5, '07: How much Mortgage Liability do the Banks Have?

august 17, '07: Feds Bailing Out Greedy Speculators

august '07: Markets ready to Kill Economy


The "Beginning," june 23, '07: Krauts taking a Beating in Mortgage Securities Market: Where will it end?

more background: all economic links



Poverty Hidden Behind Cooked Stats, september 22, 2007




America's Corporate Sponsored Government is illegitimate, and a criminal insult to our Constitutional Rights
It's Time to FIGHT for your RIGHTS: shoot a Politician, lobbyist, or a CEO today
Top of Page

Earlier headlines

last news page: last news page: September 13, 2008

Previous to the above : September 2-3, 2008

All Previous Front Pages

Lets talk!


2437 Piedmont Ave, #202

Berkeley, California 94704

(Too broke for ATT)

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A new record!

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A new record!

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Happy Al 

Hey. My name's alex, and I'm solely responsible for collecting, writing, "editing," and paying the bills to maintain this site and it's content.

I hope you find motivation in the information here to confront the abuses and corruptions which have neutralized our democracy.

way south of tahoe

Top of Page

Sun Rays Through Cloud

above: Eastern Sierra, Northeast of Sonora Pass


above: High Emigrant Meadow.

Below: PCT, Thousand Island Lake


Site Traffic

July, 2008

Unique visits: 5,202

Full pages: 9,779

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2 US fed govt agency

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Left: Lake Angeles, Olympic National Rainforest. (It is browning)




Below Left: Butterfly on the way up bear ridge, JMT just south of Lake Thomas Edison and Vermillion Cliffs, and the Backpacker Disneyland at VVR Resort



Below Right: Big Frk'n Tamarack, poison flat, Carson Range, near Walker, Ca.

Top of Page

Bear Ridge Butterfly, PCT/JMT, near vermillion cliffs