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PUBLISHED BY THE BBC, 1-12-07: BAE South African deal 'probed'By Martin
Plaut Friday, 12 January 2007, 13:02 GMT “A South African newspaper has published details about an investigation by the UK Serious Fraud Office (SFO) into payments allegedly made by BAE systems.” “The Mail and Guardian has accused the UK firm of developing "a web of influence" in South Africa regarding an arms deal worth $4.5bn (£2.3bn).” “In late 1999, South Africa signed a deal to upgrade its armed services.” “BAE systems says it is co-operating with the investigation, but will not comment on the issues concerned.” “Two South Africans have now been convicted of corruption and have been jailed.” “A case against the former deputy president Jacob Zuma was withdrawn, but it is still being actively pursued.” “BAE systems, which secured orders for Hawk trainers and Gripen fighters, has been investigated for the payments it is alleged to have made.” “The SFO has confirmed that the investigation, which has been under way for over two years, is still active.” “Last month the British Prime Minister Tony Blair ordered the SFO to end its investigation of BAE payments to Saudi Arabia, saying that it was not in Britain's national interest.” “So far no such statement has been made concerning South Africa” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE BRIBERY THREATENS ANC LEGITIMACY IN SOUTH AFRICA The “web of influence” BAE systems created is a model of globalism. Global corporations identify buyers, or commodities, or cheap labor in a country. They then bribe all political parties and politicians who have authority over the purchase, the commodities, or the cheap labor. This is exactly the same system of bribery that British and American special interests use to control politics in their own countries. This “globalism” is an improvement in British foreign relations, which was previously based on marching redcoated armies into a region of the world, and taking what they wanted. This change, from direct military intervention, to purchasing (bribing) local politicians, defines the transition from British colonial imperialism to American “globalism.” The difference in treatment between S. Africa and Saudi Arabia, where Saudi threats killed the BAE bribery investigation, can be summed up by one word: OIL. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, have special status. Their importance in maintaining stability in the heart of the world oil markets, which we control, means they can take the bribes, ignore the will of their people with impunity, impose tyrannical regimes, and demand more bribes, with our full support and cover. The problem we are having is that these governments are seen by their own people as being representatives of American interests, rather than their own. This has delegitimized our allied Arab regimes in the eyes of their own people, and represents American democracy as a tool of tyrants, and a symbol of corruption. And now, those who resist our tyrants are “terrorists.” We continue to support these illegitimate regimes, because they are creatures created by our own greed and manipulations. Although they are illegitimate and corrupt by American standards, we support their injustices to advance our corporate profits, and ensure our ability to fuel our growth. The colonial era, even its latest evolution, “globalism,” is being rejected by the people of “developing” countries around the world. The momentum of global decolonization has forced America to counterattack, forcefully rejecting local democratic movements around the world. Our rejection of local democracy, and our support of tyrants around the world has revealed to the world that our true motivations are wealth and power, not democracy. Our methods perfectly suit our motivations. Our method to spread globalism is not democracy, it is through violence and oppression by American dictators, if not by American forces. Our attempt to reimpose a colonial model, under a new name, “globalism,” puts us in direct opposition to the historical momentum of our times, which is the transition from foreign dominated governments to independent, sovereign states. We live in the era of decolonization, not globalism. The threats to our world empire come not from the outside, from people demanding their freedom from American domination. The real threats to America come from inside our country, from those who have betrayed our democracy, and have hijacked our national power to dominate the politics, lands, and resources of other countries. The decolonization, anti-global, and independence movements that are sweeping across Asia, S. America, and the Arabic lands are rejecting domination by foreign powers and foreign supported dictators. We have no chance to spread democracy, let alone save our own, if we continue down the path of globalism. Also See: Corruption Updates 22, 5th article on page, International Corporate Bribery Threatens S .African Presidential hopeful. Corruption Updates 27, 8th article on page, Criticism of Ditched Saudi Probe 2) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 1-12-07: Democrats set back on earmarksFrom Times Wire Reports January 12, 2007 “The Senate's new Democratic leaders were set
back when nine Democrats joined with Republicans in support of
stricter House-passed rules on lawmakers' pet projects.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: REID TRIES TO KILL REAL EARMARK REFORMS RENEGADE SENATORS EXPOSE DEMS FAKE EARMARK REFORM BY GIVING IT REAL TEETH, DEMS FIGHT TO PRESERVE EARMARK CORRUPTION The Dems claim to be capable of reforming corruption has hit a wall. As Reid's actions show, Dem “reforms” have hit the wall of their own corruption. The Dems did not run last November against corruption, nor did they run against the war. They ran scared and silent, in the shadow of massive corruption and incompetence. They were comfortable in this shadow of corruption and war, because they are active participants in both. Now the Dems are embarrassing themselves by trying to kill an amendment to their cosmetic earmark reform that gives it a few teeth. The Dems fake earmark reform, and their resistance to making earmark reform meaningful, reveals the fact that they feed off exactly the same system of bribery and corruption as the Repubs, and they tried to protect earmarks. Reid is doing his best to defend and preserve bribery's best payoff, the earmark, while looking like a reformer. He failed on both counts. The Dems fake reforms may have a silver lining. The few politicians in Congress who have any honesty or honor left may be able to use this opportunity to put a few teeth in the Dems purposefully weak reforms. But none of these reforms will target the center and source of our corruption, massive bribery by non-voting special interests. None of “our” politicians will stop the flow of bribery money that put them into office. Corruption Updates 3, “Media Reports: Both Parties Corrupt” Corruption Updates 5, 1st article on page, “Corruption fails as Campaign issue...” Corruption Updates 14, 10th article down on page. “Murtha trades his vote, and ethics, for pork” Pelosi does earmarks well and often, LA Times, 11-13-06, “Speaker-to-be is no stranger to earmarking,” (abstract at LA Times archive, #52 under Richard Simon search) Corruption Updates 19, 1st article on page, “TOP RECIPEINTS OF LOBBYISTS BRIBES ARE LEADERSHIP OF BOTH PARTIES” Corruption Updates 19, 3rd article on page, “PARTIES AND THEIR BRIBERS WORK TO CIRCUMNAVIGATE CAMPAIGN FINANCE RESTRICTION” Corruption Updates 20, 1st article on page, 10-25-06, “PELOSI FUNRAISING FRENZY ASSURES SPECIAL INTEREST DOMINATION OF GOVERNMENT INDEPENDENT OF WHICH SIDE WINS IN NOV” Corruption Updates 20, 6th article on page, 10-27-06, “DEMS RECEIVE SPECIAL INTEREST BRIBES ANTICIPATING VICTORY IN NOV VOTERS ASSURED ONLY CHANGE AFTER NOVEMBER WILL BE WHICH PARTY GETS 60% OF THE SPECIAL INTEREST BRIBES, AND WHICH PARTY GETS 40% OF THE BRIBES” Corruption Updates 21, 2nd article on page, 10-30-06: “SHADOW PARTIES (527S) INFUSE MILLIONS IN BRIBE MONEY INTO ELECTION SPECIAL INTERESTS SKIRT CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS TO MAINTAIN THEIR ILLIGIMATE AUTHORITY THROUGH POLITICAL BRIBERY” Corruption Updates 21, 8fh article on page, 11-1-06: “DEMS BIG CHANCE TO REAP THE REWARDS OF CORRUPTION POLITICAL VICTORY OPENS DOORS OF LOBBYING FIRMS TO DEMO INSIDERS: IT'S THE DEMS TURN TO ROB THE PUBLIC BLIND, AND BETRAY OUR DEMOCRACY” Corruption Updates 22, 6th article on page, “MONEY WINS IN ALMOST EVERY POLITICAL RACE” Corruption Updates 24, 6th article on page, 12-4-06, “POLITICIANS WHO BRIBE POLITICIANS ARE LEADERS UNCONTESTED CANDIDATES REDISTRIBUTE BRIBE MONEY TO BUY PLUM COMMITTEES AND CHAIRMANSHIPS” Corruption Updates 26, 1st article on page, 12-8-06, “LOBBYISTS SEE NO CHANGE UNDER DEMS CORRUPTION PRESENTED AS FORCE OF NATURE, DEM CORRUPTION NATURAL” Corruption Updates 27, 2nd article on page, “DEM LEADERS TO REFORM CONGRESS?” Corruption Updates 28, 1st article on page, 1-2-07: “LOBBYISTS HIRING-BRIBING DEMS SHIFTING FUNDS AND PERSONELL TO DEMS ASSURES NO REAL CHANGES Corruption Updates 28, 4th article on page, “Bush and Dems Fight Over Earmarks” Corruption Updates 28, 7th article on page, “Ney at Center of Conspiracy” Corruption Updates 30, 2nd article on page, “Dems Set Back on Earmarks” Corruption Updates 31, 4th article on page, “Senate considers tougher ethics rules” 3) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE AP, 1-12-07: Doolittle to hire outside fundraiserBy ERICA WERNER, Associated Press WriterLast Updated 3:04 pm PST Friday, January 12, 2007 “WASHINGTON (AP) - GOP Rep. John Doolittle of California said Friday he will no longer employ his wife as his campaign fundraiser, a practice that gave his household a 15 percent cut of all donations.” “Doolittle, who has drawn scrutiny for that and his ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, said he will hire an outside fundraiser.” “The change was one of 10 steps Doolittle pledged to take after a campaign clouded by questions about his wife's fundraising and his connections to Abramoff.” “Doolittle's wife, Julie, received a fundraising retainer from Abramoff from 2002-2004 and her records were subpoenaed in 2004 in the Justice Department's influence-peddling investigation of the now-imprisoned lobbyist. Doolittle, who denies wrongdoing, has hired an attorney to talk with federal prosecutors.” “Julie Doolittle did much of her husband's campaign fundraising, and he paid her 15 percent of every donation she brought in, instead of the industry practice of paying fundraisers a flat fee. She made more than $100,000 fundraising for his 2006 re-election campaign, federal records show.” “Doolittle has numerous ties to Abramoff, whom he called a close friend. Doolittle accepted campaign donations from Abramoff and interceded with the Bush administration on behalf of the lobbyist's tribal clients. He also used Abramoff's sports box for a fundraiser, failing to initially report its value as required.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: HONESTY FORCES DOOLITTLES TO POVERTY WIFE LOSES ABRAMOFF JOB, HER 15% COMMISSION ON “CONTRIBUTIONS,” AND ABRAMOFF BRIBES ALL AT ONCE Wow. This means the Doolittles have gone from 3 incomes to just one. His wife was working directly for the Abramoff' lobby, which must be closed. Loss of one major income source. His wife collected a percentage of all bribes the Doolittle campaign collected. Loss of another major income source. When you don't have money, things like honor, honesty, and good friends get you through. The Doolittles have none of the first two, and their “close friend” Abramoff is in prison. Maybe some other lobbyist is looking to buy some friends. Also See: Corruption Updates 13, 5th article on page, “Doolittle Defends Corruption and Ignorance; a New Recipe for Political Success” Corruption Updates 18, 4th article on page, “Doolittle Sought, and Got, Abramoff Job for Wife” Corruption Updates 7, 2nd article on page, “Núñez's wife has air-district pact,” relates to spouses sponging off the influence of their political mate. 4) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY THE AP, 1-14-07: White House Vows Cooperation in ProbesBy Associated Press “WASHINGTON -- Vice President Dick Cheney says the
White House acted responsibly when Republicans led Congress and
wanted more information from the administration. Democrats say
lawmakers abdicated their oversight role.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: CHENEY DEFENDS SECRET LOBBYIST, SPECIAL INTERESTS ACCESS TO WHITE HOUSE AMERICANS DENIED OPEN GOVERNMENT IN FAVOR OF CORPORATE PRIVILEGDE Cheney vowing cooperation is like the fox vowing not to eat the chickens. It sounds good, like what you want to hear, even though you know it's a lie. “Consulting in private” sounds so dignified. But the fact of the matter is that the biggest bribers (Big Oil Bosses and criminal lobbyists) of Bush are directly writing policy in the White House, while their underlings' (Big Oil Lobbyists) are giving away the farm from their positions in Interior, and the other Executive Branch departments. The same access and privilege is being granted to all the biggest bribers. Worse than the President taking bribes and giving payoffs under the cover of Executive privileged secrecy, is that these claims of secrecy are being used to break the law, and steal our Constitutional rights. Bush's claims to unchecked, secret power has spawned secret kidnappings, illegal imprisonment, and torture around the world. These Presidential crimes penetrate our country through secret non-judicial searches, opening mail, secret records searches, and secret wiretapping. Bush's secret crimes make our free democratic government a joke. I would say, “be ready for a big fight on oversight,” but the Dems went along with all of Bush's obvious lies. When Bush was lying about WMD, the Dems gave him cover. When Bush illegally attacked Iraq, the Dems backed him up. Most importantly, the Dems are bribed by the same special interests as the President. Chances are that the Dems are going to roll over, and bark like the lapdogs of power and wealth they are. ALSO SEE: Corruption Updates 11, 5th article on page, “2 Tied to Abramoff Paid White House 100 Visits” (We would hate to stop these fine people from “consulting in private” with the President.) Corruption Updates 12, 1st article on page, “Political Corruption Infiltrates Interior Department” Dems Bought by Special Interests, #2, above Read more articles on Abramoff's White House Connection 5) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 1-14-07: Businessman fined for campaign violationFrom Times Staff and Wire Reports January 14, 2007,1,7026318.story?coll=la-headlines-politics “A Poway businessman linked to disgraced U.S. Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham
has been fined the maximum of $4,000 for concealing campaign
contributions to a San Diego mayoral
campaign.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: BRENT WILKES BRIBES BIG AND LITTLE POLITICIANS CONGRESSMAN OR MAYOR, WILKES BRIBES THEM ALL Brent Wilkes is the guy who enriched himself by bribing Cunningham, then snitched him off when he was cornered. As we have said before, the corruptions that dominate national and state elections sets the tone and terms of local political contests. So, it's no surprise to see Wilkes bribes locally, as well as nationally. According to Cunningham, who can be considered an expert on the topic, "Wade is the absolute devil.” They should exchange letters of Reference. Want to read about corruption in Mr. Wilkes own words? You've gotta see: Corruption Updates 1, 1st article on page, “Deal Maker Details the Art of Greasing the Palm” Corruption Updates 2, 8th article, “Duke wife though he was just “normally corrupt.” Corruption Updates 2, 11th article on page, “Duke Inquiry Cites Breakdowns,” Widespread Corruption of Committee Processes” Corruption Updates 17, 8th article on page, “Convict “Duke” Lashes Out from Prison” Duke blames Wilkes, press, DA, and everything but his own corruption.
Corruption Updates 31, 9th article on page, “DUKE MENU OF BRIBERY PAYOFFS W/CONGRESS SEAL” Corruption Updates 35, 1st article on the page, “2 charged in Cunningham bribe case" An excellent introduction to Mr. Wilkes can be found at 6) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE LA TIMES, 1-15-06: Two plead guilty in corruption caseFrom Times Wire Reports Louisiana January 15, 2007 “Two men pleaded guilty to charges that
resulted from a federal investigation of New Orleans government
corruption during Mayor Marc Morial's administration. Former city
property management director Kerry DeCay and restaurant owner Stan
"Pampy" Barre, a Morial confidant, each could get up to 20
years in prison for conspiracy, mail fraud and obstruction of
justice.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: FRIEND, FAMILY, AND EMPLOYEES OF NEW ORLEANS EX-MAYOR FACE LONG PRISON TERMS Morial was mayor of New Orleans from 1992-2002, and was enmeshed in corruption allegations as described below: “In 2005, Morial, his relatives and former associates became the focus of federal investigations into corruption during his administration. Morial's uncle Glenn Haydel was accused of defrauding the Regional Transit Authority of a half-million dollars in a fraudulent bond refinancing scheme. Haydel's wife, Lillian Smith Haydel pleaded guilty to a scheme involving the New Orleans Public School system. Three other members of Morial's circle were accused of fraud, including a former city official accused of skimming hundreds of thousands of dollars in an energy-savings contract.” (From abstract on Morial at 7) THE ABSTRACT PRINTED BELOW WAS ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED BY THE BBC, 1-16-07: Egypt detains Brotherhood backersBBC Tuesday, 16 January 2007, 11:09 GMT “Six senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood have been remanded in custody in Egypt, it has emerged.” “Five are wealthy businessmen who are believed to have financed the Islamist organization. The detentions took place on Sunday.” “The Brotherhood is banned in Egypt, but puts up parliamentary candidates standing as independents.” “It won 26% of the seats in recent elections despite widespread reports of attempts to impede the voting process.” “BBC Arab Affairs analyst Magdi Abdelhadi says the arrests are a serious escalation in tension between the government and the Brotherhood.” “The latest arrests come only days after President Mubarak issued a stark warning in which he said that the Brotherhood was a threat to Egypt's national security.” “Tension has been steadily rising ever since the Brotherhood made its biggest gains in parliamentary elections in Egypt last year.” THE COMMITTEE SAYS: DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST? AMERICAN BACKED DICTATOR USING VIOLENCE, FRAUD, AND POWER OF STATE TO HOLD POWER Our support for democracy in the middle east is belied by the actions of our allies in the region. Hosni Mubarak's Dictatorship, which is living on borrowed time, is a perfect example. The last Egyptian election proves the point well. In heavily rigged elections, backed by direct state violence against the opposition, the opposition party, the dreaded Muslim Brotherhood, won 20% of the seats in Parliament. In real terms, Hosni lost, and only holds power by controlling the power of the State under a military dictatorship, a dictatorship he employed to assure victory in the last election. Today, he is consolidating his power further, to assure the ascension of his son to the military dictatorship of Egypt. Hosni has began a multi-front attack on democracy in Egypt. He is arresting already outlawed political opponents, including students, teachers, and businessmen. Hosni is personally altering the Constitution to further impede democratic input and “legally” consolidate the political and military power in his hands. This is a bit of a farce, as Mubarak already holds these powers. Hosni, our good ally, is a tyrant. The Corruption Updates have highlighted the historical, and increasing contradiction, between our stated intentions, “spreading democracy in the middle east,” and the increasing violence our middle eastern dictators and monarchs have used to maintain their authority, with our arms, funds, and political support. The governments within our alliance, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt, would fold, or radically change, within seconds of the withdraw of American support. With our support, they may be under even more pressure to radicalize, or fold up their tents and move to America. Our middle eastern alliance, despite being under the umbrella of American political, military and economic support, have lost their own people's confidence in its political and moral legitimacy. Only violence, or the threat of violence, is holding it together. Our solution has been to increase our already legendary tolerance for oppression and dictators, add Perez Mushariff to our stable of dictators, and increase our military, political, and economic support for the rest. We are allowing, if not encouraging, our dictators to use more violence to suppress their people. So, let's get this straight. To spread “democracy” in the middle east, we must arm, fund, and politically support military dictatorships and authoritarian monarchies, invade broken, but rich, countries, and reject the sovereignty of countries when the voters make decisions we don't like. Oh, and we Americans can't forget that “we” claim the right to kidnap, hold, torture, and “render,” without judicial constraint or overview, anyone the President designates as an “enemy combatant,” or a “detainee,” or some other made-up designation. And, our-Bush's-failures have put us on the verge of spreading the war to Iran, which will most likely spread war across the whole middle east. The only surprise in all this is that our legitimacy has not been shattered here, at home, as it has been in the middle east, and the rest of the civilized world. Don't be surprised if Egypt has a Revolution. Corruption Updates 27, 6th article on page, “Egyptian Dictator Changes Constitution, Farce of American “Democracy” Exposed by American Supported Dictatorships” Read more articles on Egypt
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