The Plan |
The first steps As citizens concerned with the corrupted state of politics in California, we are required to address the un-democratic practices that have corupted our polity. We are angry, but what can we do? We have talked, argued, and written letters to editors, and politicians, but it is like throwing acorns at atom bombs. Identify the problem The special interests sit at the center of political corruption. Their money decides who becomes a viable candidate, and is decisive in determining who wins elections. Special interest money is the mother's milk not of politics, but of corruption. Define the solution The solution is to Stop political bribery as effectively as possible by prohibit special interest contributions from overwhelming the voice and bucks of the local voter. Voter-only contributions will stop the special interests from directly manipulating our politicians and elections. We preserve and respect their free speech rights by forcing "small contributor committees" out of direct participation in our elections, back to their legitimate role as free speakers on issues they find relevant. to advocate issuesreducing outside interests The political parties are vast structures of special interest money and influence. Banning all outside money channeled to candidates and officeholders, through the parties, combined with voter-only contributions would be Unconstitutional. Our solution is to combine voter-only contributions with a 30% limit on political party contributions to candidates. Our initiative limits party contributions to 30% of the total of contributions a candidate or officeholder receives from their local voter. This will make the support of the local voter the deciding financial factor in selecting and electing representatives. The 30% limit on party contributions to candidates will preserve the right of political parties to collect, and use, outside money to support their candidates. The 30% rule will prevent political parties from exerting more influence on the outcome of elections than contributions from the local voters. The 30% rule will return our elections, and the elected politicians, to dependence on, and under the control of, the local voter. We do not want to destroy the political parties, but make them accountable to, and dependent on, the voters, rather than the corporations and special interests. Today the political parties are no more than instruments of the various. Our initiative will rebalance the Constitutional rights of the local voters, the state and national parties, and the special interests, in favor of the fundamental unit of a democracy: The Local Voter. Apply the solution Taking democracy back from the special interests is impossible through the political parties in California. The special interests control politics, the press, and most of the money in our country. The special interests and the political parties have not, and are not, going to act within the restraints of democracy voluntarily. An initiative is the proper solution to reduce political corruption. Initiatives bypass the parties, politicians, the special interests, and still be successful. Technical-organizational problems To get this initiative before the voters we needed modern technology, (we really are a ground-up group!), such as a computer and printer. Obtain a computer and learn how to use it. Create website. Organization How can we, simple non-political citizens, change the way politics operate in California? The special interests control politics in California. The corruption that pervades our politicians, parties, and media require we employ an individually based grass-roots action. Initiatives qualify for the ballot on a County basis. There are 58 counties in California, which require we find at least 58 LEADERS to organize the signature collection effort in each county. The Los Angeles metropolitan area will require a mess of local LEADERS, as will the other major urban areas. The job of local leaders is to bring together a crew, discuss strategies for publicizing the initiative, contact local groups and enlist their help, and organize local funding to locally print, distribute, complete, and turn in the petitions to the County Clerk. The State Committee will offer full support to each County Committee. We are currently researching registering as a non-profit, and drafting out a grant proposal to draw some non-partisan grant funding to supercharge our organization. Non-Partisan Our initiative fixes the system for all voters. Angry Voters from all perspectives are welcomed. Women's, civil rights, pro and con groups, the religious, all are invited and welcomed in the effort to fix the system. Organize your people to fix the way we decide the issues most important you, and your community. We want to fix the system to get better outcomes, not any particular outcome, but an honest democracy. Promoting the Initiative This initiative will be opposed by all of the special interests and their political dependents. Corruption is so deeply and powerfully entrenched in our economic, political and media institutions, that democracy is unfamiliar, even foreign, to too many Americans. Wealth, power, prestige, and luxury are monopolized and distributed by our corrupted polity. This will make publicity hard to come by, and condemnation by the entrenched powers universal. Create press releases and mail to the major regional newspapers, radio, and television stations in California. Contact every state and national organization from Common Cause, the AARP to the NRA and try to obtain endorsements, and notice in their newsletters. Are you a member of any public-spirited group? Will you advocate democracy through your group? Contact as many local organizations, blogs, and individuals as possible. Figure out how to use the Internet to expand our cause's recognition. Help us spread a web of voter power across the State. Create expanding circle of awareness of our initiative. Everyone can spread this idea in their own way, through their own community. Feedback Organize all the voters who respond to our announcements by county. Find coordinators, leaders, in each county who will organize local chapters of the Committee. Develop strategies that fit the local situation. Maintain communications between members, county committees, and the California Committee. Distribute materials necessary for County Committees to make effective plans to print and circulate petitions. The Big Game All the work is focused to collect the signatures to get our initiative on the November '08 General election. Help us out. Check out the important dates in the timeline. Now is the time to bring the Political Reform Initiative of 2008 before the voters, and bring back our democracy. Search the Corruption Database
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